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Guest esky
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I've got 9500km on the clock, had the ECU flashed @ 3000km service and it still stalls due to hight oil temp.


There is a new ECU update about to be released that fixes the stalling problem, that resets the VCT so it doesn't get caught and slam you into limp mode.

If you had the problem with lossing power to your dash/ICC there is also a fix coming for that too.

The joys of owning a job1 car. :huh::huh:

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This is all re-assuring isn't it, oh well, as most of you would say, the joys of a series 1 car.

Ahh well, who cares, the look of it makes up for everything :D

I have had only one problem (touch wood), you couldn't really call it a problem, the rubber seal running along the bottom of the door, I opened the right hand side rear door to throw something in the back seat. Anyway, when I returned home, something caught my eye. As I shut the drivers door, the rubber was wedged between the right rear door and the side skirt. "Oh great" I say, pushed it back in place, I'll just have to keep looking at it to see if the problem happens again.

Only a little one. ;)

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  • I'm Back!! Thats right, long over due! :)
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Noticed something I'm not happy about. Once again only small but if you saw how full on and immaculate the paintwork was on our AU III VCT. You would understand. When they applied the damn Ming Protection, there is a grain of dirt or small rock in the paint. Smack bang in the middle of the boot. :angry:

Ford will be geting a call from me in hmmmm. 15 minutes!!!! Even if they have to buff it back, respray and re-apply the protection, something better be done about it and at no extra cost. Didn't pay $44,000 for a crappy paint job!!! :angry: Especially when you pay extra for "Prestige Paint".

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Wow I had the same high pitch noise but mine only came in at around 180km. I also have a window tint problem. a vibration noise coming from the transmission, wind noise from the sunroof, shuddering brakes.

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  • I see red
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I've got 9500km on the clock, had the ECU flashed @ 3000km service and it still stalls due to hight oil temp.


There is a new ECU update about to be released that fixes the stalling problem, that resets the VCT so it doesn't get caught and slam you into limp mode.

If you had the problem with lossing power to your dash/ICC there is also a fix coming for that too.

The joys of owning a job1 car. :evil::huh:

My car is in at the dealer today getting a couple of minor warranty things fixed and I mentioned the stalling problem I had and the service guy reckons he'd never heard of it before but is going to ring Ford head office and check with them. I'm getting dejavu/flashbacks over this. It's like when I was looking to purchase the car in the first place I was telling the sales guy all about the features and options (after reading about them here & FF) and now I have to tell the service guy what the problems are and how to fix them! Hope he reads the fordxr6turbo.com sticker on the rear window and logs on here and reads some of these posts! :ph34r:

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  • I see red
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one thing that you seem to be forgetting is that there are people on the production line that are building these cars and finding issues with putting them together and stuff like that. The cars have been tested very throughly, I know cause I do it, but we can not test for absolutly everything no matter how hard we try. The production line is the cause of the limiting of option you can get on your cars and for some of the stuff ups. Some of the things that are found at the end of the line would make you laugh.

One other thing in defense of the faults that are being seen is that the barra was brought foward to be released rather than when it was originally going to be released, so everything was crammed into a shorter time than normal. Not good enough I know, but that's part of the problem!

harasn - not trying to be argumentive but... how are warped brake discs, diff problems and ECU probs caused on the production line?

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So will they replace your disks not just machine them. I hope so. ive got 10500km on mine and the brakes have been shuddering since around 5000km. havent had the time to take the car in. Also does anyone know what the high pitch squeeling noise is yet it doesnt come in unless you get some speed up. ive only done it twice, really late at night on the highway not a car on the road. God im safe.

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Guest foxter
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ive just had the 1 prob bonnet cable pulled out of the plastic handle all fixed but took a whole bloody day ive only done 2500kms and I live in the tropics and its hot here all year round and never had any over heating probs yet fingers crossed

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