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Limp Mode Temp?


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At what coolant and oil temperature does limp mode kick in on a FGXR6T?

I am doing more track days and don't like continually watching my temp gauge or damaging the engine by continually going into limp mode.

I am thinking of installing one of these (range 0 to 125degC):



It connects to the engine block for accurate temp.

What temp. would I set it on for safe engine track temp before limp mode shuts everything down?

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  • Member For: 16y 8m 13d
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Hi Nigel,

I'm getting quite interested in these addictive track days!

Have taken your recommendations up bit by bit so far. Have removed the rubber seal at the back of the bonnet and am in the process of making a vented bonnet from one I found at the wreckers. Also trying to find a front fg vented fender guard with limited success so far.

Already have the sandwich F6 engine oil cooler between the block and filter, but am getting a proper air cooled engine oil filter next week. Probably mounted behind foglight.

According to the temp. gauge website above the sensor fits directly to the engine block where it will reflects the engine temperature correctly, or as near the heat source as possible. Examples are under a tappet cover bolt that is away from the exhaust ports to monitor cylinder temperature or a thermostat housing bolt to monitor coolant and the block temperature.

Not close to the ignition system or the exhaust system.

The end result will be a monitoring system that is very accurate that alarms before the engine has a chance to overheat too much. Temp can be set anywhere under 125deg.

Main reason is I can relax a bit more on track, concentrate on lines/traffic and not if I am damaging engine.

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Track Days do that to you!

I have to agree that you can't focus if your constantly worrying about this and that at the Track.

I did have my Thermostat changed, but can't remember the details!

- It did make a difference!

- I'll let you know on Monday, after I check it out.

I went through the same process as you are going through now and I ended up throwing a very big PWR Radiator at it as well!

- I figured everything has to help!

- In my case, it did!

I have a mate with a serious V8 Late model camira with cooling issues at the Track!

- He sent me a couple of Emails about an alternative Coolant and cooling system only last night.

- He is going to use this and I am going to watch it closely!

- On Paper, it is a proven performer!

Stay tuned!

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  • Member For: 16y 3m 24d
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  • Location: Toowoomba

Most I've seen is 110deg c engine coolant temp, due to a lot of standing still at rear wheel speed, :spoton: with no limp home mode activated. usually sits around 89-93 deg. I get my readings from the obd2 port by the way. So with this gauge only going to 125deg might be near it's limit on hot track laps.?

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