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Mad Max Filming Location Cruise 2011


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Mad Max Filming Location Cruise 2011

Updates will be posted in this first post so please check back regularly.

DATE: Sunday 31st July 2011

START TIME: 10:00 am



Meet point is in the car park across the road from the Pumping Station, Douglas Parade, Spotswood (the rear of Science Works). (Set your GPS for intersection of Craig St and Douglas Pde in Spotswood for the techheads :roflmbo: - we'll be parked in the parking lot next to the water opposite the main pumping station gates. ) This is the first location, Main Force Patrol Headquarters in the film. Once all cruisers are accounted for and a short brief is given, proceed on a detailed route visiting twenty filming locations of this iconic Australian film. Lunch break is out West in the small township of Little River for a bar meal at The Little River Hotel. After more scenic cruising and location visits, the route culminates near Sunbury then it's a short stint to McDonald's, Corner Mickleham Road and International Drive, Tullamarine, for farewells. After that, it's an easy cruise back to your place of residence.

All up the route is 231.7 km with a duration of 3 hrs 37 mins (not including halts and lunch break).

A detailed map with commentary and screen shots from the film will be provided to all participants but you are encouraged to view the film prior to attending the cruise so the locations are fresh in your memory.


As per Google Maps link.


CB Radio (optional), Camera, Sunnies, Smiles.


1. Obey all laws whilst on the cruise; this means no speeding, no overtaking over double lines (no matter how safe you think it may be), etc...

2. There is a designated cruise leader who will lead the way and set the correct pace for all cruise members.

3. Use the Buddy system - always make sure you can see the car behind you. This will give people behind you an indication on where to turn to make sure nobody gets lost.

4. CB Radios - if you don't have one, follow the maps and directions given out. It is highly recommended to have CB as it

enhances the enjoyment of the cruise being able to hear about road hazards and join in on the social chatter.

5. Please turn up to the meeting points with sufficient fuel in your tank and allow enough time before the designated departure time.

6. Onus is on the owner/driver to ensure their vehicle is safe to drive on public roads and meets State road traffic authority laws.

7. Please ensure you have a contingency plan if you have a breakdown or unnecessarily delayed. e.g. Roadside Assistance or a mate in another car who is willing to stay with you if necessary.

8. If you wish to post this cruise up on any other social media site e.g. facebook, myspace, twitter - please obtain permission from the Cruise Controller/Mod organising the cruise first.

9. By attending this cruise you agree not to hold FordXR6Turbo.com, it's Administrators, Moderators, Cruise Controllers, or Owner responsible / liable for any damage and / or grief sustained (simply; you are responsible for your own actions).

Emergency Numbers

RACV Roadside Assistance ph 13 72 28

Police ph 000

Ambulance ph 000

Fire ph 000

CFA VIC ph 000

Victorian Bushfire Information ph 1800 240 667

VIC Wildlife Emergency ph 1300 094 535

VicRoads Hazard

Report Hazard ph 13 11 70

Information ph 13 11 71


1. Rockatansky

2. EvilDaifu

3. desciple

4. slamaa

5. TonezXR6T


7. lukedohc

8. scottymadf6

9. Adam






So post up below if you're coming or would like to come - it's a good way to meet your fellow FordXR6Turbo.com enthusiasts, visit the actual filming locations of Mad Max and enjoy the rush of rumbling through in a line of XR6T's.

Edited by EvilDaifu
Added me to maybe
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This sounds great.

Put me down as a maybe and I might be able to hook up a few copies of the Mad Max 1 Soundtrack for people to listen to on the cruise.

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I recently did some work behind the Science Works in Spotswood, which was the locations for the main police station and the sargents house with the winding stair case.

Can see my car parked in the bottom left corner of the attached picture. I have other pictures of my car parked infront of the 'police station' doors with out the crane and other cars around when one of the guys onsite told me it was used in the movie. The public cannot drive their car into this area.

I am going back there next week for further works.


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  • Waiting for the 1st N/A 12!
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Man I would so love to come along on this one and "give it the bajesus" but my have run out of leave passes with the misus, plus it would of course take me 10 hours to drive down there!

Max Max has to be one of the best ever movies, and I mate and I are forwever quoting from it.

But if my luck changes I'll happy come down.

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Man I would so love to come along on this one and "give it the bajesus" but my have run out of leave passes with the misus, plus it would of course take me 10 hours to drive down there!

That would be an awesome effort.

Does the coat hanger still look like this?


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