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Ba Xr6 Turbo Engine Trouble


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hey guys, new to the site :D so hi!! just a little background for you all

I bought an xr6 turbo BA 2003, over a month ago. amazing car. iv had a fascination with the B series ever since dad had one back in the 02's. Now I have my very own blueprint BA and I just love it. and just as the honeymoon stage has start to wear off I hit a pretty ugly obstacle and im freaking out to put it nicely, lol.. the car has done 147xxxks it has a full service history at a local ford deal all but the last one, I bought it stock and it wasnt long maybe 3 days that I fitted the growler cold air intake, :D and there is plenty more mods to come.

anyway, down to the bad part. iv been having some trouble as of last day or 2. iv been all over the internet and facebook asking my mates if they have experienced anything like this. and im struggling atm. so, the car on the way home last night as I come up a hill near my house I gave it a little bit of a boot and as soon as I hit 2000rpm or round about that the car started to rattle, so I slowed down and gave it another squirt and the whole car rattled like crazy. around the 2000 rpm range. I also noticed a big loss of power, the stutter seems to be coming from the engine bay, as well iv noticed that in neutral around the 2000rpm and 3000rpm the revs dip a little and it sort of sounds like the car bubbles. if you get what I mean.. as for idle in park its perfect nothing out of the ordinary. im pretty stumped my dad knows his way around most cars and his pretty stumped too.

so far iv tried taking the battery out for 1 hour. and the vct reset. I have yet to check the plugs and coils. I just wanted some evidence from someone who may have had this problem before. before I start looking for the fualt.

thanks guys

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How old are the plugs and coils? If they havent been replaced ild be doing them straight away.

Plugs normally cause the car to shudder when there loaded up ie driving up a hill or giving it a fair bit of juice. But if there too old they might be giving up easier.

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Ill give the plugs and coils a look. As soon as I can. I'm not sure how old they are iv only had the car fort 2 months. The car had a full service history so they may have been changed... I tried today with dad lubing the solenoid for the wastegate and the shudders have become less crazy and now only kick in at high boost around 5k rpms. I also tightened all the exhaust manifold bolts as some were loose.. The problem is much better ATM but still there. Thanks for the input :)

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  • Tampon inserted, Auto Acquired, next purchase a new handbag
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Pull the coils out and check for little sh*te dots where they've been earthing out.

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Pulled out the spark plugs and coils on the weekend. Coils looked brand new. Checked thier resistance all within a fee ohms of eachother. 6.0kohms I think,.. 2 of the spark plugs were on finger tight. Re dis them and checked the state of them they looked great, cars feeling much better. Cleaned that solenoid and the throttle body. Boost is kicking in harder than ever.. Every now and then I get a little hesitation but it's 90% better.. Thanks for the info henz big help mate.. I might run some injector cleaner next to clear that little bit of random hesitation

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  • 10 months later...
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I have a 2003 XR6T. Just got the car- good history- serviced every 5000KM. Car has only done 89k. I was driving it back from sellers place. Drove well gave it a few bursts on the 40km drive. Getting about 2km from home I gave it a bit nothing too crazy. Turning into driveway massive shudder out of engine bay, car actually stalled. Started car- spluttered a bit and then kicked over, drove fine then got to boost again and bad shudder- had to pull over on side of road and car stalled. Tried starting no go. Left car about 10 minutes then finally got t started. Now in normal driving seems to really struggle to change up and hits limiter only when I give it some. Please note this is an auto. Any ideas- I am desperate. Please help!!

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Sounds bad could be a number of things but I would try tps (throttle position sensor ) first it's a comon problem with these cars

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Before you even go for mods, I would suggest get a new coil pack, plugs, fuel filter, fuel pump. That will give you a peace of mind and should solve this problem. If problem still there, you should take it to a proper tuner who knows this kind of car well.

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Get someone to diagnose the problem properly, perhaps a tuner and you may save money if getting a tune as-well. You can replace hundreds of $ of stuff and still not fix it.

Sure replace the fuel filter, spark plugs and consumables that should be done anyway but the car only has 90,000k's on it.

It could be a cheap fix unless you really want to replace a whole lot of good stuff :)

Edit: Fuel filter is fairly easy and may fix it.

Don't drive it hard in case it's leaning out.

Edited by riptide
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