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Yes Sir, that's $5000 To Replace That Air Con Vent! Wtf


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  • Member For: 21y 5m 30d
  • Location: Broken Hill

Hey guys, I havent been around for a while, but I just need to get an opinion and possible answer to a situation I have encountered.

As some of you migth remember, I have an FG, one of the first lot.

Couple of Month back, the centre drivers side airvent broke, (back part of it fellout) . So I took it into Ford to have it replaced. The car is now at the repairers for the 4th time!!! CRazy for one little 10 cent air vent. The issue I now have is, they are trying to say that it is not a manufacutrers fault and that it was due to negligence... and for ford to replace it it could cost up to $5000, yes that's right, $5000 !!!! I rang 13 FORD to ask WTF was going on here and they again quoted me over 2-3 grand in parts only to have it replaced!!! Apparently they can not order just a vent and a full new centre DASH/console has to be ordered, which includes the computer etc etc!!!

They are taking photos or some crap atm, as evidence.

So the question is, how many seconds does it take to remove an airvent from a FG wreck, or is it not possible?? Surely these things just pop out and back in again!

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Sound like they realised it will cost too much and decided to try and f you off if they can. Never tried removing it on the falcon so can't be sure what's involved but haven't seen a car where you can't remove a vent from.

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  • Donkey Dick
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Doesn't matter if warranty runs out next week, you are on file as reporting the issue before warranty expires.

Get onto Fair Trading if you have no joy yourself...

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Guest XR09
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$1350 for the Premium ICC. And two hours labour max.

At 5G they must have a massive hourly labour charge.

Send a receipted email to Ford customer care asap. same to the shoddy dealer that quoted you that ridiculous price dating when you took it in.

Don't dribble on. Just dot point all the major issues and dates.

That means you have given every oppertunity and then go feral with the ACCC MA and whomever.

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  • Member For: 22y 19d
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Exhaust all options, send Ford a email, and a very polite one at that, cause that email could end up at fair trading.

Be very reasonable, blah blah, dont say anything bout your warranty, just when you first mentioned the problem. This info should be recorded on the service RO.

Keep copies of all dealings with Service, Ford, and once you have exhausted all possible avenues, hit fair trading.

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A Ford delaer actually denied one of my claims twice just before warranty ended, I think they were hoping for me to put iit into the 'too hard basket'. Made me jump through all sorts hoops stating car had not been serived regulary even though it had been serviced via a Ford dealer.

Although they finally agreeded to fix issue (after warranty date had ended) I documented every conversation and started recoding them on my iphone. I got audio of the dealer agreeing that ford should fix it but never had to use it.

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  • Member For: 21y 5m 30d
  • Location: Broken Hill

Thanks guys, will try the email...

They are trying to fob it off now,saying that if I pay $160 to buy parts from ASL Logistics, that they can install it... as far as I am concerned, I am not paying sh*t until they can prove that it wasnt a manufactures fault. What do they think?? I banged it with a fricken hammer!!! Dicks!

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