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  • ....Time to lay this fairytale aside......
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  • Member For: 21y 11m 16d
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  • Location: In the Ferry on the River Styx, not getting out just yet!

Well, had the Mystic Dog for a month now and apart from aching jaw muscles (can’t keep the smile off my dial), all is good. :spoton:

Have managed to do quite a variety of driving types, city, Freeway, country etc; and in all cases the car performs admirably, and looks friggin hot!!

City driving is boring apart from a quick spurt off at the lights or navigating the so-called driver pacifying devices (read: roundabouts) the council has erected in my area, very sure handling, not quiet as good as my mates 2001 Lotus Espirit but fast enough for me.

Freeway driving is good, on 100kmh with cruise control on getting about 8.5 – 9 lts/100kms, until of course when you plant the foot as you have a tradie in his dual cab 4WD Hilux ute with the trailer full of cement mixers, wheel barrows and shovels, boring down on your arse, I swear we have the most productive, eager tradesmen in the country here in WA, they can’t wait to get to work and risk fines and penalties by consistently doing 20 -25kmp over the limit.

Took the ‘dog’ up to Geraldton and back in one day (approx; 800kms round trip), and the car did not disappoint at all, comfort, ease of driving, everything was good, took the Indian Ocean Drive up the West Coast, great drive. Even in 6th gear there is sufficient pick-up that if you are lazy you can adequately overtake your average geriatric gypsy with the caravan and 4WD heading North for warmer climes without changing gear. However when one is confronted with a bloody great road train and not much clear road ahead then the fun starts, slip her back to 3rd, plant right foot, almost instantly the rev limiter alarm sounds, flick her to 4th, plant right foot again and pow…. you are doing the ‘ol ton (100mph for you young-uns) and passing the road train swiftly, safely and with plenty of clear road to spare. :3gears:

Got a dyno run done the other day and yes, the figure on the side of the car is RWKW’s got 334.3rwkw,s (448.3rwhp) on both runs. :yahoo: However was very disappointed with how wasteful the factory tune was set at, I mean Ford are not very environmentally responsible by wasting such a valuable natural resource and leaving a huge carbon foot print by running these motors so richly. Being the environmentally conscious person I am and not wanting to have such a huge carbon footprint every time I drive this car I will be remedying the rich tune problem very soon with a much leaner tune to use our valuable oil reserves much more responsibly , and if there are any added benefits then woo—hoo!!! :innocent:

I just lurve this car. :w00t2:

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  • Sucker
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Nice little heart-warming story indeed. Are you just looking at increasing efficiency or physical mods as well?

But... :useless:

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  • ....Time to lay this fairytale aside......
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  • Member For: 21y 11m 16d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: In the Ferry on the River Styx, not getting out just yet!

Considering some of the figures I'm hearing that guys are getting with just a tune, I reckon the cat back Manta system and tune will give me more than enough pooper valve twitter for awhile! :o

Will try (for the third time) to down load pics of the 'dog' and the dyno run.

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I think the exhaust and tune will be spot on and create a weapon, like you said the figures seen on other GT and GS's with these Mods are amazing.

Pics would be great.


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Guest XR09
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Those economy figures are really amazing. And for the power it makes is crazy. If I got under 15/100 in my old XE on the highway I was stoked. And it put out less than half those rearing killerwasps.

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  • ....Time to lay this fairytale aside......
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  • Member For: 21y 11m 16d
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  • Location: In the Ferry on the River Styx, not getting out just yet!

Don't know what I'm doing wrong but cannot upload pics at all, getting error message 'failed' every time, any of you IT guru's got answers?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • ....Time to lay this fairytale aside......
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  • Member For: 21y 11m 16d
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  • Location: In the Ferry on the River Styx, not getting out just yet!

Got a Manta cat back SS system installed last Monday, was a little disappointed at first, a bit drony, but am noticing after a few hot runs and cool offs and getting a bit of a 'soot' covering it is starting to quieten down and is starting to sound half decent, will give the system about 3-4,000 kms before bitching to my dealer, but do expect to find the note mellowing out some. Have'nt noticed any real power gains though.

My dealer re-set the computer prior to the exhaust fit as I was getting a neck snapping surge when cold if I was not very gentle with the throttle, but I still reckon these cars are running too rich, I'm going to see if they can tune the car to a respectful 12.1:1 ratio if not I'll have to get a CAPA tune as I do not believe these motors should be running at a fuel/air ratio of 10:1, bloody ridiculous. Any of you guys care to comment??

PS: tried to add pics with Dag's link, but still no luck, sorry, can't help it if I'm a IT Neandertal. :dontknow:

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  • loitering with intent
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Go see Simon mate,

Custom tune will sort it AFRs in the 10s heaps left in it IMO , that said depends on other factors..

Forget Fraud , couldn't tune a nappy change and they are supposed experts. Farkin Imbo's

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