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Walbro Fitted Now Takes Longer To Start

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hey guys I just fitted my new walbro gss340 intank pump assembly complete with new sender unit now it is all ok and works fine except now when cranking to start it does 5or 6 revolutions before firing where as before it would only maybe do 3 revolutions I have read this sumwhere else before but didnt get a outcome I also fitted new inline filter and the 2 pipes either side of the filter as I hurt the nuts on last service all I can think of it doesnt prime as quickly as the genuine pump but you would think surely a higher rated pump should prime quicker and the fuel that came out of the filter was pretty clean this time not like the 1st time I changed its only done 3000kms since last fitted and another newy today

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My ute does this also but I have process west surge and 044. I think its overpressurising causing a rich condition on startup, instead of turning the ignition on and waiting until the fuel pump primes then stops then starting the car, I only let it prime half as long, and now no more dramas. mines also on standard tune, so that's how I came to this conclusion, the injector duty cycle for startup could be calculated assuming standard pump output, im assuming once I get a tune and the injector duty cycle on start up is reduced to suit the problem will cease. Is yours still on standard tune aswell, or maybe you havent had a retune since your pump install

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hey mate yeah cheers I think it might have been a thread u posted on other forum about it and no its not tuned hopefully next week to lees @rdp and I would have thought you couldnt over prime as the regulator only gonna hold so much pressure in the rail I think your right on track about the injector cycle hopefully a tune will sort it cause I dont really like it

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hey buddy I tryed the same thing if I let it prime to pump shuts of it takes few more revolutions but like you say if I hit the button half way thru the prime cycle it starts perfect as standard strange 1

so do your 044 turn on with intank pump and stop when its primed also or are the 044 continous running ?????????

Edited by mercules
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Totaly agree about the required check valve in these pumps/surge tanks , these problems are due to the fuel bleeding out of the fuel system when the vehicle is not driven,and the units having to re pressurise or prime up

Pain in the ass and poor engeneering imo

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Anyone have the part number for the check valve needed on the 044 surge kits, I saw it once ages ago but cant find the thread now...

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