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Jem- Just Engine Managment


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:stupid: Have to say what his mate did, you can't just mention sh*t like that and not elaborate.

Also people on tight budgets should not modify cars...

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having this brought to my attension I'm dumb founded with your inconsistancies & your ability to confuse your self with your own misguidance !!!

The brakes that your are referring to was a question that you had asked me ''what can cause brake shudder'' I then gave you scenairo's, remember !!... then you asked me for a quote on a big brake set....... remember that !!

also other incidents that you have given your car to other ppl to drive for days where they being involved in some minor accident hit the tail pipe & concertinaed the exhaust system remember that again ??? & how you though that you had no power & your assumed there was something wrong, with out hesitation I invited you back for a receck & you brought some of your mate with you, should I say how that went & what your mate did to you !!!

Secondly your Uncle popped in & asked me what was involved in fitting the actuator I explained to him if you can take it off with the bolts coming off easy anywhere from $120-$150 but if the turbo has to come of then it will be more.... where days after both myself & Rapid Systems recive various distraught phone call saying that we have weled the actuator to the turbo...please !!!

I have been in bussines for over 20 years, that right 20 years !!... I run a honest & professional shop & I will defend myself where we have been nothing but patient & open with you...

I invite you to come back so I can return you car back to its stock files bar you injectors settings & happy to give you your money back for the tune charge...

also I draw your attension on the post dated.......... 23/09/10...have a read champ it might jolt your memory, the part about beining on a bugdet....


fair enough in some cases I have been wrong but let me state that firstly I have never accused you of bolting on my wastegate, I was simply frustrated and had asked chris if you have bolted it on. theirs a difference. and yes you have been patient with me but you also knew well that at time to time I did not understand much about cars as I hoped too.

now back to our brakes issue. when I had asked why wore they shuddering, you simply said "you have to much power mate" and in saying that you indirectly meant New brakes. now according to you, you've been in this business for 20 years or so. with that amount of knowledge you must surely know that my brakes have become like this from a much smaller LESS COSTLY issue but at the time machining back my disks and some new pads didn't seem like the right option cause I just had "to much power" and it had nothing to do with the fact that simply this is caused by incorrect tightening of nuts and bolts (fault on my end).

to our next issue. in the beginning my turbo had to come off, I even discussed with you that I can take it off and give it to you and you agreed. bringing my uncle around and all of a sudden, the turbo MIGHT or might not need to come off, once more ill bring up the fact that youve been in this game for 20 years and some how, after my uncle came around, you make it out to seem that your UN sure if the turbo has to come off or stay on for my actuator to be changed and the will vary.

the fact is if I hadn't brought my uncle around, you would of said, look mate theirs no way of getting this actuator off, im going to have to take the turbo off. then you would of simply taken the actuator off in 5 minutes, left the turbo on and charged me $400 or so for the labor of taking a turbo off.

let me remind everyone out there that has brakes shuddering, don't let anyone convince you that power is a contributing factor to your brake issue. the truth is somebody tighten up your wheels to tight and this has caused your warping. you do not need new brakes, or even bigger brakes and if your mechanic for some reason fails to explain to you the real reason why this has happened, than you deserve a more honest, professional mechanic that wont exploit your lack of knowledge.

I appreciate you offering me a full refund, very professional and understanding on your end but all I really ask for is a bit of honesty. thanks for your understanding joe :)

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Joe please tell us what his mate did? He didn't put a sneaky finger up his bum did he? Maybe that's why he's off on some other planet.

hahahah that's really funny rhino. you must feel really big:)

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You really don't understand cars or mechanics at all obviously. Your brakes can get a shudder from many different things in these falcons let alone having alot of power and jumping on them causing it or incorrect tightening of bolts, basically you can get new pads and machining but it will most likely come back and that could be fine for months, years, or maybe less. SO replacing the brakes is quite a comon item, doesn't have to be bigger but just better.

As for saying he would rip ya off by charging for removing the turbo and not actually doing it, I think you'd fine he is giving you the worst case scenario so that you dont get a nasty surprise when he said it might be $150 and then its more. As he said they don't know if the actuator will come off with the turbo on, it might and then its cheap and I'm sure he'd charge accordingly.

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  • 09JET
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Still want to know what your mate did though! Re the brakes, they are sh*t, or rather inadeqeute before the car is tuned. Once a T is tuned they are totally out gunned. So yeah, "you have too much power mate" is a fair statement if taken in the correct context. Because they need to be worked harder, the pads wear quicker and the rotors are more prone to cracking, warping and premature wear. "New brakes" is the answer, at least some slotted rotors and decent pads, because machining your factory ones only puts you back where you started. If you can't afford to do it right, can you afford to do it again, and again, and again? Sounds like your just trying to do everything on the cheap bud and its just going to bite you.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Somebody better put a call into the performance car manufacturers of the world and tell them to stop ripping off customers with big brake kits. All we need to do is tighten the wheels nut properly............better sell my shares in Brembo.

fpv_f6 your a muppet. I would suggest you let this thread die to avoid any further embarrassment to yourself.

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