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Fg Sub "fix"


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I couldn't either. So I cut the wire swapped and reattached. All sorted.

Edit: As mentioned above. Mods please delete this if u wish .

Edited by AusAnt
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Just finished doing this and even though I was somewhat sceptical, I have to admit it makes a noticeable difference. The bass is now more prominent and it seems a lot cleaner too.

Thanks to the OP for this, as a quick 10 minute do it yourself mod, it makes a nice improvement, cheers !!

Edited by gothca
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hey guys,

having trouble pulling the cable out from the clip, any ideas?

Edit -

Finally managed to do it.

There are two little rectangle shaped holes below the connections, use a very small flathead screwdriver and push those in, and it should push out the wires from the back of the clip.

Took me a while to figure out.

Tested it out on the weekend, much more clear and the bass has more kick.

Wonder how someone figured this out?


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Ok so I have just done this fix in my brand new FG MK2 XR6T with premium audio.

I am coming from a bunch of cars where I built pretty big stereos, including my last car, a Late model camira with near on 2k worth invested in front speakers and thier amplification (this was a SQ system I competed with once or twice)

suffice to say the premium audio was a fair bit of a let down, not that I expected it to be anywhere near my previous systems, but I at least expected something a fair bit better then stock.

I found while the system sounded ok the bass was definetly hollow and anything over 21 on the stereo resulted in the sub distorting.

So today I finally decided to do this mod, it literally took 10 minutes following the advice in this thread - the FG MK2 has two holes in the boot liner next to the sub so you can reach in and disconnect the white clip from the sub, then simply remove the bottom panel, and then put a small flathead screwdriver just below each wires connector and pull the wire out, swap them over then put it back in.

The difference to me is absolutely massive, the car actually has a fair bit of bass now, it can be turned up to around 30 with no distortion and while it will never sound as good as my previously built systems (no stock car audio will) it is a pretty great system for a stock car and I have not heard any other premium audio system that is better at this stage.

I have owned the car three weeks but regret not doing this sooner, seriously - it will literally take you 10 minutes of time, and you dont need to cut and shut things etc - I advise everyone to give it a go.

Cheers to those in the thread for advising of this quick fix.

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  • Red F6310
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Yeah still happening on the mk2 models. I did the wire swap for my neighbours dads new G6E ecoboost last friday....

He was gobsmacked at how much better his 60's and 70's rock music now sounds.

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I have 2 12" 1500W Dual Voice Coil subwoofers yet am considering unplugging them for 5 mins to see the difference for myself. Obviously not going to be as loud as it is now but curious on the difference seeing as though Ford managed to wire them up backwards and in doingh so tarnishing there "Premium Sound Systems" overall performance

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Wow I was not expecting the difference to be so big. Not sure why people are cutting and shutting, took me literally 5 minutes from start to finish, nice and easy free mod.

So happy now, I won't even go out and get a new sub, this is ample enough.

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