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Fg Sub "fix"


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Sub Fix quoted from another source

Just thought I would start a thread on this here to get a little exposure, as I'm sure quite a few people would be interested in improving the sound of the factory sub (which is what brings down the whole system). Discussion of how poor the quality is has been done to death on here so this is one solution. We all know that FG's premium sound is anything but premium, largely due to the fact that the factory sub crackles and farts. There is a very easy fix for this, simply reverse the polarity of the sub and the difference is astonishing. For anyone interested, this is what I did:

1) Remove the parcel shelf - easy job, just peel back the rear door rubbers where they meet the C pillar trims, then pull out the C pillar trims (they are held in by clips, so just pull), then simply take the clips out of the parcel shelf and you have access to the sub. (note- you will need a torx wrench to unscrew the child seat dock in the centre of the parcel shelf). Pull forward and lean the parcel shelf against the backrests of the rear seats, as the seat belts will still be connected so you can't take it out of the car.

2) Unscrew the sub and pull it out, then disconnect it (simple 2 pronged connector)

3) The 2 pronged connector is shaped in such a way that it can only be fitted in one direction, what we want to do is reverse the prongs, so that the right prong goes into the left socket and the left prong goes into the right socket - pretty much plugging it back in upside down.

To do this, what I did was attack the plastic connector with a hacksaw, just shaving the plastic sides off so that the connector can be re-connected upside down. Very easy to do.

4) Once the plug has been modified, just plug it in back to front and try out the system.

The difference this makes is incredible, the system actually produces good, clear thumping bass now - no crackling and farting whatsoever. It's not the same system anymore. For me it has turned the premium sound from crappy to actually pretty decent! I was previously going to go out and buy a new sub, but now I feel I don't need to.

So, if you aren't happy with the quality of the sound package, try reversing the polarity of the sub, it makes a huge difference, particularly if you like music with a bit of bass.

You can also remove and change the wires over from the boot. Just lower the inner mat on the parcel shelf down and youll see the sub exposed.

Rather than to cut the plug you can push the little wire/clip insert in the plastic that hold the clips out and swap them

Worked for me and sounds heaps better

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  • Member For: 21y 5m 25d
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Makes you wonder if it isnt a design fault. ie the mob that made the wiring loom farked up the polarity

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I would have thought reversing polarity would make more of a banging noise rather than any meaningful sound, cause its trying to reverse cycles of sound waves coming through it while also cancelling a bunch of sound waves out... kind of like poor mans base.. but it would not cause any damage. Be good to hear from someone here who understands speakers to let us know whats happening.

Edited by plcains
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Yea I did this, and it made it a little bit better, but I just took the wire and attached it onto my 12 inch sub in box, which is a massive improvement! Waaay better!!

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I did the same thing. The alpine 12" fixed it all and cheap too!

Edited by RHR
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