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Fg Xr6 Turbo Tailsharft


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  • Member For: 13y 10m 2d

Hi guys I'm in need of desprete help and advice.

I have bought my car new In march 2010 lowered it in april.

Have the center shaft colapus in dec 2010

Center was fixed and refitted from a friend because it happened on the weekend and needed it fixed asap for work.

Just today the same noise is happening it happens on take off like the sharft is spinning against something as I change from first to second it gose away.

Noise happens louder is I take off slower off the clutch.

If I take off alittle faster I don't notice it as much.

When I got my car lowered I was aware of this issue and addressed the matter to the guy lowering it before the car was loward and dident want it done if I was going to have shaft issues. He told me the reason is because when people lower them they dont repostion the pinion, failing to do so will resolve in tailsharft proplems.

So what do I do now?

How can I fix this reaccuring problem?

Ford wount help me and even if they do it will happen again.

I spoke to herrod back in march last year and they were working on fixing the problem and think they have the solution.

Anyway dont want to drain it but if anyone has any info please let me no as I have to do something asap before it breaks again!!!!

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  • Member For: 13y 10m 2d

not sure might be center bearing. the tailsharft was sitting on the tail sharft hoop so what ever gives way to cause that. anyway took it to g j driveline today they said both front and rear cv's were stuffed so they put aftermarket ones in and balanced it up hopefully everythinbg stays good. I asked em about the pinion angle and they said its been set fine from who ever lowered the car "suspention city".

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  • Mal Wood Automotive
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  • Member For: 21y 11m 15d
  • Location: WARWICK QLD

not sure might be center bearing. the tailsharft was sitting on the tail sharft hoop so what ever gives way to cause that. anyway took it to g j driveline today they said both front and rear cv's were stuffed so they put aftermarket ones in and balanced it up hopefully everythinbg stays good. I asked em about the pinion angle and they said its been set fine from who ever lowered the car "suspention city".

I can supply one of our High Performance Tailshafts made with Chrome Moly tube and only Premium Quality performance components, these tailshafts are $2350 and will hold 900HP.

Regards, Mal

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