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Burglary - Narre South Area...


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Not good Worm,hopefully they catch the dogs. I reckon there needs to be some examples made of some of the trash in this country. People assaulting cops,people braking into houses and cars,rapists,child kidnappers etc etc. A few good examples and it would surely catch on not to do it. Maybe a good hiding and some chopped off fingers or toes would do the trick. I <3 Bananas scum *beep* cant use there brains to get a I <3 Bananas job and buy there own sh*t, so they gotta take someone elses hard earned. Waste of oxygen priks.

turbotrana,where do you get a infra red warning beam from. Sounds awesome as you never know who comes up the drive at all hours of the morning.

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That sucks. Glad your ok though.

Get your replacement camera soon!!

Edited by dre
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Dude... You have got no idea how much I miss my camera... And its only been a couple of days...

The more I look... The more is missing :bangcomputer:

PS3 games... Memory cards etc... They all add up. Ten things @ $100 costs a grand...

AND to show what a little bunch of *beep* they are... I had put a BRAND NEW slab of coke zero in the fridge... The took 3 cans... I was like WTF? They took cans of coke from my fridge!!! :censored:

I am looking at wireless security atm... Sounds like a good option... Cheap but may work. Sends a text message and vodafone offers a sim that lasts 365 days... Will see what other options are out there...

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Luckily I have backed up all my media on my work laptop... So its a matter of just copying it back. They didn't steal my tivo, tivo hard drive or western digital media player...

Another thing that pissed my wife off. She kept a journal on the mac... For our daughter to read about herself when she gets older... ie. first words, walking etc... Gone...

I have backed up lots of stuff to a webserver as well. I just havent had a chance to check and see whats there... Its been a while...

Now I will have to f*ck around getting new stuff, which in a way is good (ie. new tv etc...) however, its also a large pain in the arse... :censored:

My wife made me buy her a hair straightener today! LOL She couldn't handle it! $250 a pop!

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one thing what I have learnt, no matter how good your security is, if they want to get in they will. been robbed twice now. worse is one of those times must of been some one I know, as they went straight for the gun safe. there were dints and scratchers on the safe from them trying to open. it's like they knew were everything was. worm at least they took the drinks, they sat down to eat at one of the times.ex wife made me throw all food and drink out. what really made me think was, what would they have done if they got my guns?

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ebxmple, I bought mine from alarm suppliers. On the front boundary there are pillars on each corner. I chisseled out a little box on each pillar which houses the units. They are quite large, about 7cm by 25cm and 8cm deep. They need a 12volt power supply and wires for the buzzer.One unit goes in one pillar an the other in the other pillar and you have sights you line up so the beams are aligned with each other. It uses light beams and mirrors. Depending on the unit you can get small ones that are used on electric gates to ones that span 200m. THe leads run into the house which switches buzzers when they trigger. They are about 1m off the ground so animals dont trigger it. Over the last 10 years there have been around 6 instances of prowlers. Even thought the security light goes on the prowlers just ignore it as they dont yet know that you know that they are there. We normally just go out onto the balcony and tell them to piss off as I prefer to sleep than have to deal with scum buckets. Its worth its weight in gold as you always know when someone has entered the property.

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I am looking at wireless alarm system connected up to the phone line... Calls you if there is an issue... has 3 sirens... And flashing light etc...

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Time to piss off all the academics and do gooders and bring in the Birch, although its about 10 years too late. Just imagine how much of your tax money has also gone to support these scum bludgers in the form of DOLE payments. At least you're insured Worm.

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