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Xr6T Work Ute - Will It Handle The Load


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  • Member For: 17y 7m 24d

Hi there,Best purchase you will ever make had turbo then non turbo now turbo FG xr6t I'm a farrier ie shoe horses for a living on some of the worst roads in NZ.Minimum weight in my ute is 500kgs Anvil stands forge gas bottle shoes and tools averaging 11.8 unless I'm towing loaded horse float then it goes to around 13.4.Lose the 18's wont handle the weight ,found this out the hard way.Have fitted a rear swaybay from whiteline and load hogs to the rear springs.Also maxxis tyres they hold the weight at 48 and 50 psi give traction and wear well

Weight equals traction

see the look on the maloo drivers face as you fly pass and smoothly corner a turn which will see him fishtail for the next 200 metres.

Hope this helps out and all the best

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  • Member For: 13y 9m 19d

seems its all pretty well finished . the front section has been finished and fitted today .Im not 100% on how its turned out but itll do the job.




fuel economy is 15.3 l/100 , goes to show what a little wind resistance and half a tonne on board does .

Hopefully with this bit added it will help a little but im not too optomistic

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  • Member For: 13y 6m 4d
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  • Location: Randwick, sydney

awesome read as I need to do the same when my ute is delivered next week :)

I was hoping for a tray from tip top but got quoted over $4k so am going to try flexi glass. not as strong and tough but will do for me (plus ladder racks)

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  • 2 months later...
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  • Member For: 13y 9m 19d

Gday , just a quick update of whats going on with the ute.

I unloaded all the tools and had a run at the Tassie dragway yesterday

First run out did a 13.8

then the car slowed down until I realised that idling in the staging area put too much heat into the intercooler and ran a couple of 14.2's

then was careful with the heat thing and once the air was cooling down ran a pb of 13.6

so Im pretty happy with that as there were a couple of typhoons that were running 13.6's also so it must be lighter than a sedan , even with the big box on it.

had a few people wondering what the hells in that ute , especially as theres no turbo badge or anything else on it


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  • Member For: 13y 6m 4d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Randwick, sydney

Hey I use my ute for construction and spoke to my mechanic and ended up going for the air bag system, such a nicer ride as I had heavy duty springs in my old ute.

Highly recommend the bags

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  • Member For: 13y 9m 19d

I think that's the way to go if the load is in and out , but mine is constant so the ride isnt at all choppy , feels just like standard springs did when it was empty .

I had airbags in the last rodeo ute and they were ok so long as you topped up the pressure every month or 2 .

but that was a bounct pr1ck of a thing and rolly polly something shocking , but not sure if that was the fault of the airbags or not


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