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Xr6T Work Ute - Will It Handle The Load


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Howdy folks , new to the forum , but hopefully someone can help.

Finally trading my rodeo for a new xr6t ute .Main thing I am worried about is the load carrying capability of the turbos.

I will need to remove the tub and get a flat tray built and then get a custom aluminium canopy built. In this I carry a big toolbox , oxy set , spare parts etc . I am unsure of the weight but will try and work out actual weights this week.

So whats the diff between a 1 tonne ute and the turbo ? is it only the leaf springs or some other stuff too?

I guess I will have to go for the 18'' tyres so there will be some side wall for gutter jumping !

I do have the black air bags in my rodeo , so I am hoping its just a case of bolting something similar in and that's all but maybe someone could offer some advice

thanks Ben

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Pedders do heavy duty shock and leaf setups, that would be rated for more than the basic falcons springs.

I have compressed leafs in my ute, and with 320kg it barely moved. Maybe 5mm at the most. so the pedders bags would be a nicer ride.

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Shouldn't be, if pedders install it they'll warrant there work and ford will warrant the rest.

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not going to talk you out of the ute, but with the load your carrying in the rodeo it sounds like this is probably the car for you. esp when you say 'gutter jumping' lol. and your gonna chew through fuel too id say. I think 500kg is the limit. how does the xr6 1 tonne sound?

mines scraps here and there with only bout 100kgs of crap in the back. its more the front lip though and sometimes in the middle when going over speed bumps.

my 2c anyways

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  • Member For: 13y 9m 20d

thanks for the replies

gutter jumping is probly extreme , what I meant was somethimes I need to go up a gutter to get to a job but I think the 18'' tyre package will sort that out.I Think theres enough side wall to cater for that and so long as the correct rim tyre package is fitted it will be fine

I spoke to the transport people in tas and have filled out a vehicle modification application and sent it off. All I have proposed to do is swap the xr6t rear springs for the springs from a 1 tonne ute .Apparentlty the spring locating bolt is a different size , but otherwise should fit.

I weighed my ute today and it works out the box including the tray and all the gear is 720 kg so if I can set it up to be 1 tonne rated I will have a bit up my sleeve .

and test drove a stock xr6 and then the turbo , and ive gotta say , if I cant have the turbo I wont be bothering , man that thing was FUN


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Welcome Ben.

Did they mention what the difference would be in performance? I can't imagine the 1tonne suspension would be as tight around corners?

Or does this equipment stay in the tray most of the time?

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I have the black airbags in the back of my ute, and like the adjustment for the load of using them.

If you have the ute loaded 100% of the time, with a fairly constant weight, then go for the ungraded leaf springs.

In NSW, upgrading the springs still doesn't increase the GVM. That is still the same as the std. ute.

In NSW again, the tyre has to have the load rating as well.

TAS seems to have more sensible rules than NSW. But that's no suprise.

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Tas sensible , never thought I would see the day , but I may even agree this time!!

with the paperwork I have filled out apparently I get a mod plate to fit and then shes all legal so I will see. and I guess if theyve led me on and theres a cock up for some reason , itll get the springs and my fingers crossed and that's all


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