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Xr6Turbo Southern Sydney Night Run 4Th June 2011


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  • Member For: 18y 2m 11d
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  • Location: Macksville NSW.

It's cooling down guys.....and that means....IT'S TURBO WEATHER!!.... :w00t2:

This one's always been a fav for most....so how about packing your beanies, jackets and uggies for a leisurely cruise up "the Pass"..... :yahoo:

Take note that this is on a SATURDAY night!!...

Meeting at 7.30pm in the carpark on Waterworth Drive and Narellan Rd, Mount Annan for an 8.00pm leave.

Leaving the carpark, from Waterworth Drive, we turn right onto Narellan Rd.

At 3kms, turn right into Gilchrist Drive, through the town centre and right onto Geary’s Rd. then left onto Menangle Rd.

At 11kms, turn left onto Camden Rd.

At 10kms. Turn left onto Douglas Park Rd.

At 6.5kms. turn right onto Wilton Rd. then left onto Macarthur Drive.

At 4kms, turn left onto Picton Rd,

At 16kms turn right onto Mount Keira Rd. and follow for 9kms down the mountain to Woolongong.

Note: There are parts of Mt. Keira Rd that are very narrow and care must be taken.

The cruise leader will advise of oncoming traffic.

At the bottom of Mt. Keira Rd. we turn right onto the on ramp for the Southern freeway while being mindful of the speed camera (60ks) on the ramp.

Follow the freeway for 28kms to the BP/ KFC service station on Princes Hwy at Albion Park for a drink/rest break.

After the break we turn left out of the BP onto the highway and follow for .5 km and turning right at Station St.

Follow Station St. for 1km and turn right onto Tongarra Rd.

Follow Tongarra Rd for 2kms into Albion Park township where it runs into the Illawarra Highway.

Follow the highway for 10kms to the foot of Mac. pass

We will slow towards the the bottom of the pass to make sure everyone is together before going 17kms up the Pass to Robertson pie shop and finish.

Naturally, a working, fully charged CB radio (and preferably a friend to use it)is a definite asset on this night cruise…..so if you don’t have one…..get one ok….

In order to limit the size of this post, I have included the cruise rules as an attachment, please read them and likewise for others you invite or bring.

So....who's in?.... :3gears:



ba 2 envy

JC 807

Mr Scheme




seducefastas +2











Procrastinators :hohum:



Edited by BionicXR6T
remove. SAD FACE
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Well Me, Reg and Chris went on a reccy run tonight up the pass, man it was cold (cars were loving it though) Got to the bottom of the pass, Reg comes over the radio "Im gonna have a fang, ill meet you at the top." no more than 500m down the road was a landcruiser with trailer, reg then back on the radio, "that didnt last long did it!!" :) good drive overall. will be good to get a few cars out! put your name down boys and girls, this is not to be missed!!!

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I'm up for it, but I'll hang at the rear - I'm not familiar with the road at all (only drove it once, on the cruise last year sometime).

I'm with you as I'm not familiar with the road at all (being new to the area and all). :blink:

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