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Next Mod For My Na?


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Some better tyres might be the go then.

Really? If I have it in performance (rather than actually selecting 1st) it will bounce off limiter once than smoke into 2nd.

And if I really try I can get it in 3rd on the spot haha

Thanks for the advice mate

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Mate, "what to do next"?

Sell the NA, you have wasted enough $$ on it already and just buy a proper XR and get the real deal :3gears:

Don't mean to be harsh mate, just makes no sense to me what you are doing.....you are always going to be slow compared to a decent T no matter how much you spend, what tyres you have, what cam you have, what exhaust you have etc etc.

Edited by CBXRT
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Howww original. P plate laws mate. And it is a proper XR.

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Let him do what he wants, for all u know he is bill gates kid and has money to throw away, I had an n/a 6 put money into that, had Fun with it, sold it now got a turbo and an 8. He is here for advice, not to get told to get rid of it.

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Mate how much longer are you on ya p's for? Cams are expensive arnt they? I wouldn't wast money on a cam just do your intake and get a tune and see how you go, you can always get a retune later.

Oh and to save money take it to Mick and just put it on henz tab..

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Yeah P plate laws. Bit much to say the $$ have been wasted haha

Im still 18, get my opens on my 21st birthday, f##k driving a super slow car till then

Mights just by a head with a bit of work already done, get a tune and see how long that keeps me content :)

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Fair enough mate, understand why you bought NA now. When I say 'waste' I mean't in terms of bang for your buck compared to the huge gains for the same $ you get in a T.....down the track as you say!

Henz - no, the NA is not a proper XR. The standard XR6 is slower than the basic taxi spec as it has same engine but more weight - how exactly is that an XR performance vehicle???

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  • Tampon inserted, Auto Acquired, next purchase a new handbag
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Henz - no, the NA is not a proper XR. The standard XR6 is slower than the basic taxi spec as it has same engine but more weight - how exactly is that an XR performance vehicle???

You just said so ya self bud. The faxtory XR badges make it a "proper" XR. Exterior and interior is the same as a turbo.

that's like sayingmy car with its taxi spec 4L and all that weight of the turbo/cooler etc must be slow then. The Xr's taller diff gears gets them going better than the XTs. The Xr interior/bodykit is half the reason you by one over a Xt.

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  • Member For: 13y 9m 24d
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Yeah definitely not the same bang for buck as the Ts.

But im sorta lost with your XR argument. Xr6s have slightly more power, and the diff ratios in XTs are pretty stupid. A stock xr6 will beat a stock xt, no argument there.

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Mate, I'm not having a go at your car. Just think that the XRT and XR8 are the real performance cars, and the (standard) Xr6 isn't. I've been caned on here for having a HSV and Skyline GTR previously to my T (Ford fan boys), and the GTR makes nearly all Ts feel slow, especially to 100kph so you can see where I'm coming from in terms of performance. (had to buy a family car - would have kept the GTR otherwise!)

But as an 18yo I'm sure it feels brilliant, and I'm sure its 10 times better than the rubbish silvias, 3181s, civics etc that other 18yos drive! (and its way better than I had) Cheers.

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