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Zf Servicing Melb.


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cheers. an upgrade by Nizpro sounds nice, but I’m tipping its anything but cheap ha. 


my local mechanic said they can do a service (change oil and clean filter), but I think they’re using the genuine oil from Ford and costs something ridiculous like $50/litre... and from my understanding I’ll need about 20 litres of it for a service?


I read people talking about numerous other types of cheaper oil that’s just as good, but most posts are 5yrs old... what’s the general consensus these days?


I was thinking of buying some Motorcraft Mercon SP XT6QSP from the US, which is apparently what the genuine Ford oil is anyway?

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I can get it serviced for about $500, with the Penrite fluid..


that's if I have a steel pan already, which I doubt I do considering it's a Feb 2006 BF XR6t... I believe the genuine Ford steel pan is in the vicinity of about $500 extra :( 

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You can buy this (below) and get some gulf western SYN-TS 20L for around a $150 if you search around distributors. Then just pay a transmission place to do it and you supply parts.


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cheers, that metal pan looks like a winner. I see they have genuine for $400 as well, compared to most places is like $600.

and that metal pan has a drain and fill plug, could I potentially change the fluid myself next time I wanted to change the fluid (probably no point unless filter is changed too though I guess)? 


as for the oil, I'm thinking of just using the Penrite mechanic has, save me the hassle of getting the Gulf Western... I don't think there's really that much of a difference between the two??



I'm not sure whether the service includes a "flush" or if it's just a straight fluid change... what's involved with a "flush"? - change the fluid, drive for a few hundred kms then change the fluid & filter again?

Edited by XR6Twannabe
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Aftermarket parts are usually pretty good these days. Yep, best to change filter and fluid at the same time.

There are a few members on here that have done it themselves just make sure temp is right for fluid when filling (there is a proper procedure)


Not sure on the penrite, I have seen that fluid and it is approved for ZF, just not sure how many have used it. I have never done a full flush, just dump and fill. There are a few on here that have though and haven't had any problems. I'm don't know the full flush procedure maybe someone will pipe in.

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