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Zf Servicing Melb.


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We sublet our ZF transmission servicing to a local trans builder that I have used for many years, although we stock Castrol products and many recommend the Transmax Z oil for these trans, Castrol do not recommend it although they know many are using it with great sucess. We decided we would not service them and use a non approved oil, My trans guy uses a Western oil product which apparantly has ZF approval so we decided to go that way with ZF servicing, they have done many cars for us.

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bayswater auto's also use that western oil product ratter, and has said it's ok. he has used it in a few cars and backs it aswell. I supplied the transmax for my car and he was happy to put it in. next service will use the western product to see how it goes. and ginjaninja, either you work for zf or ford, but some of your comments are way out there. and I think a apology for pitlane is in order aswell. jumping to conclusion's like that. read the full post first.

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I apologise at the comments I have made about Pitlane in regards to the ill-conceived assumptions, however, these products have not been proven or properly tested, their just been "assumed" that it works perfectly

Don't work for FORD or ZF but I just don't get how something that's half price could actually be better off, there is always a catch don't u think??

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That's such flawed logic. Almost everything genuine will cost you more for no other reason than the fact they can get away with charging the prices they do, there is no way possible the ZF oil costs that much more to manufacture compared to alternatives.

Take intercoolers as a classic example, if price was the only determinant for quality then the F6 cooler would be the best thing on the market. :spit:

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I believe intercoolers and oils/minerals have a far different manufacturing process, with the latter having more complex procedures involved

I'm willing to listen but where's the proof and the specifications of the fluid? Maybe somebody has information

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