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Help +++ Will Fg F6 Pistons (Stock) Fit Into A Bf


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  • Member For: 16y 4m 23d
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yes you can make them fit, some people will just say fit the left on the right and right on the left but the leading piston will be the wrong way round. you need to get hard line made up and swap the bleed nipple round to the other ends if you get my drift,

or I have 6 pots from a bf with ferrodo ds2500 pads and dba rotors (only 4,000 old on pads and rotors), saves getting hard lines etc made to swap them round, let me know if your keen.

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lol ross might be a bit late hehe im talking about engine stuff.. but then again maybe your pulling the piss... but you might also be able to let me know about this.. hows your car coming around btw. : )

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I think hes talking about pistons not breaks :P, yes they should fit if the bf block isnt to worn out as when you machine the block to make the bores perfectly round again it may be a little bit to large for the piston to fit perfectly.

but im not an engine builder they might have ways around this

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  • 2 months later...
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you can buy a short fpv fg engine from ford for $3700 but as far as I know if you going to use the bf head apparently the heads are the same but im not engine builder so I cant really say from experience but I have heard they are diffent but I know you have the dip stick at the front on a ba bf on the fg they are at the back, I was going to do the the fpv fg bottem end but I was told to use the fpv bf.

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hey guys, I myself have done a fg f6 bottom end conversion into my ba using a shorty from ford. its quite simple if you have ever built a engine this should be a piece of piss. every thing you use is for ba/bf the only things that really require change /mod is the main cap girdle which is noticable in differance upon inspection. using the ba/bf sump you plug the FG dipstick location in new block and punch out rivet in the BA/BF location.

modify the engine mount bracket mildly which just requires a lil bit surgery (cutting) you can see where while attempting to fit.

the rest is a sinch remember to buy/ use all ba/bf parts and you will have no probs

fyi the FG F6 bottom end is stronger and cheaper from ford. the reason I was told by ford is that they trying to make a selling point by saying buying a new car replacement parts are cheaper. just another ford con if you ask me but meh I got what I wanted.

Edited by bda12pleaseu
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