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Little Big Jet

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  • G666E Turbo!!!
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  • Member For: 15y 1m 12d
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That is just insane. I thought my RC truck was fast.

How does he see it in the sky?


Let's race, my brushless traxxas on lipos geared up is so farken fast it's funny, makes the 1 1/10 nitro touring car I have look like a snail, had it doing more than 90km/h on the hit wheels radar but it starts wheel standing at high speed, bloody amazing though, it'd easily rape my 311 rwkw G6e 0-80km/h, can't keep it straight on the road though, but on the massive soccer field across the road it hooks up great, it's also was faster than the Schumacher havoc I used to have that had a lrp 28z or whatever it was

That's it, I'm going to buy another drifter soon, man I used to love doing that..

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wonder how many times he stacked that before he learnt to fly it good.

One does not learn to fly on something so expensive. One learns to fly on things that are relatively cheap to fix or replace, or alternatively on simulators which cost nothing when one crashes.

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  • Member For: 17y 6m 28d
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Let's race, my brushless traxxas on lipos geared up is so farken fast it's funny, makes the 1 1/10 nitro touring car I have look like a snail, had it doing more than 90km/h on the hit wheels radar but it starts wheel standing at high speed, bloody amazing though, it'd easily rape my 311 rwkw G6e 0-80km/h, can't keep it straight on the road though, but on the massive soccer field across the road it hooks up great, it's also was faster than the Schumacher havoc I used to have that had a lrp 28z or whatever it was

That's it, I'm going to buy another drifter soon, man I used to love doing that..

hahah sick bro would love to see pics of that , should have a RC thread in the off-topic section .. I got a fair few rc's most project cars. :) my geared up NINJA powered mugen buggy would love to run ya rc flashlight lol hahahha NITRO RULEZ 3gears.gif

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  • G666E Turbo!!!
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  • Member For: 15y 1m 12d
  • Gender: Male

so I picked up my car today from its tune, next stop was supposed to be to get a diff for it.... nah fark that

check out what I got, its farken HUGE, pic does not do it justice, its massive

also for comparison sake theres the salsh 4x4 next to it and some 1/10 sh*tter

note the baja has my 1/5 motorbike riding in the back LOL

cant wait to take it out tomorrow for another thrash


Edited by andrewd
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