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Possums How Do You Get Rid Of The Barstards?...


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  • Member For: 22y 1m 8d
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They have three points of entry as far as I can tell, tree directly beside the roof(I'll be whacking a guard on this asap), powerline which I've seen them scrambling down and the ground as one end of my joint is built into the side of a hill and is a direct walk onto.

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  • Cruise Control
  • Member For: 17y 11m 24d
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  • Location: Macksville NSW.

All seriousness most places have a sheet of tin wrapped around the trees to stop them from climbing up onto roofs

Good idea....

4. Put a couple of spotties in the roof. Think this one is more fiction than fact.

This is not as crazy as it sounds....possums hate bright light, that's why the buggers only come out at night right...

Put a couple of flouros up in the roof on a timer....they'll hate it...

Those critters can bite when cornered so beware. Shooting works but tends to upset some folks (and the possums!).

Bull....possums don't really bite....but they've got claws that'll rip you to shreds if you try to grab them.

They love peanut butter and honey sandwiches. And panadol kills them......................:buttonit:

Another dumb idea....if the thing dies up in the roof and you can't get at it....it'll stink like all hell....

In short, the best way is to block off all points of entry into the roof...bar one...wait till they leave at night and then block it off too.

That way they wont get trapped and die in your roof....

Lastly...put up a couple of possum boxes up in the trees nearby....gives them an alternative to your roof.

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if there in the roof, just find someone with jack russell's and throw them in. they will bring them to you to show how well they did for a treat. if there on the roof there trying to get in the roof, the possum whisperer told me. yes there is a bloke who goes by that name.

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  • Member For: 17y 1m 13d
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Trap and relocate to the bottom of a topless 44 gallon drum full of water, trap and all. Quick n easy.

Here in NZ they are a pest, bait around the place with aniseed and bread rolled into 1 inch balls for a week, then on the 8th day a blob of cyanide on each ball. They wont travel more than 3 meters before they die.

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