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Issues Starting Car


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  • Member For: 14y 1m 22d
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hey guys,

ever since I bought this car about 6 months ago it has had an issue with starting but only sometimes. initially it would happen about one in five times. after a flash tune it reduced to about 1 in ten.

basically when it happens it turns over well, but just doesn't fire? it takes a few goes and on the last I have to hold it on for a while to get it to fire. the other nine times out of ten it fires perfectly? weird.

it has had its fuel filter changed, plugs changed and gapped to .8, and new coils.

I have heard of some trick to reset the tps - hold foot flat while turning over engine for ten seconds. is this correct, and would it help my situation?

also I have yet to clean out my throttle body since purchace, could this be a factor? your help would be appreciated as the existing topics when I searched for similar threads dont quit match my problem.....cheers

Edited by r32dan
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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • Location: Figtree, Wollongong, NSW, Australia

hey guys,

ever since I bought this car about 6 months ago it has had an issue with starting but only sometimes. initially it would happen about one in five times. after a flash tune it reduced to about 1 in ten.

basically when it happens it turns over well, but just doesn't fire? it takes a few goes and on the last I have to hold it on for a while to get it to fire. the other nine times out of ten it fires perfectly? weird.

it has had its fuel filter changed, plugs changed and gapped to .8, and new coils.

I have heard of some trick to reset the tps - hold foot flat while turning over engine for ten seconds. is this correct, and would it help my situation?

also I have yet to clean out my throttle body since purchace, could this be a factor? your help would be appreciated as the existing topics when I searched for similar threads dont quit match my problem.....cheers

I know this may sound weird, but have you tried changing the battery? see the thing is, mine was not starting every now and then, but, no warning lights on the dash ever showed anything charge or battery related or had any issues, I noticed the power windows were slow for the last 6 months, as the car was still running I thought it was ok. I then was driving a few days ago and the ETC (electronic throttle control) light came on and the car went into limp mode and was firing not on all pistons. It seems that the whole electronics in the car appear to be very sensitive, I.e. I think it actually needs more battery power for the firing, than, to turn the starter motor. Just a thought..... hope this helps.

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  • Member For: 14y 5m 16d

Does the car ever crank slow or struggle to crank at all?

I had this issue, turned out that the brushes had worn out on the starter motor to the point where one of the brushes was actually arcing causing a massive power draw that was causing the PCM to hit it's low power threshold and shut down - As a result the vehicle would start of by struggling to crank only to crank freely with no fire once the starter had shifted a little off that point on the armature.

The problem was worse when the engine was hot and shut down for 15 mins or so, heat soak within the starter motor seemed to make the problem show it's head.

Edited by MattGatt
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  • Member For: 14y 1m 22d
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  • Location: Gold Coast

thanks for the reply mate. I have changed the battery and I would have to say it also made a slight improvement to the problem. I have had a mechanic tell me that these cars require good quality powerfull bateries to avoid unusual electrical problems!

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  • 4 months later...
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  • Member For: 14y 3m 13d

iv got the same problem and was just about to start a topic on it..my drivers window is extremely slow and once a week or so out of no where I have to hold the key longer than usual to start then its fine the next time.

really had me stuffed! so is it battery related??

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um not that I know of... I think it is the battery cos now its doing it basically every time. my battery ran pretty low on water levels a couple of months ago so I assume its finally caught up with it. il test it on start up with meters tomorrow before getting a new battery but.

how do I check the alternator??

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • Member For: 14y 3m 13d

hey guys I have the same problem as of late...its not the battery! I thought it was too so forked out 175 for a ultra high performance century and it fixed the problem for a day and its back to doing it every so often :( so im trying to get to the bottom of this!

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  • 10 months later...
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  • Member For: 12y 8m 14d
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Hi, I know this is an old post but did anyone sort out this issue? My car BA XR6t seems to have the same issue. It turns over fine but can take up to 10 cranks to fire. If I put my foot on the acc peddle a little bit (not recomended) it will start a bit quicker but not perfect. Would be good to know if anyone fixed there problem or got a garage (Ford) to sort it. Cheers Martin

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