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Help Me Decide -Low Km Ba Vs Bf High Kms


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Do you have a BA?, what do you think so far since the move away from the 380? The only thing in the 380 id like to bring with me is the interior. Looks more modern than a BA

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yes mate I have a BA MKII. The ride is a bit firmer but it handles heaps better. Power there is no comparision and fuel economy is about the same on a long run.

Im finding the seats are more comfortabe on a long run. I drove to Melbourne in both and the XR6t is a better drive.

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  • Member For: 13y 10m 25d

ok guys just went and bought the BA, was advertised at an unrealistic $17,000, got it for $14k. Its got only 60,000kms and one owner, body is in showroom condition.

Heres the link:

http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/private/details.aspx?__Qpb=true&tsrc=allcarhome&__Ntk=CarAll&Cr=0&__Ns=pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|1||pCar_Make_String|0||pCar_Model_String|0&R=10338238&seot=1&__Ntt=xr6 turbo&silo=1011&__sid=12F61E36CE07&keywords=xr6 turbo&__D=xr6 turbo&SearchAction=N&trecs=82&__Ntx=mode matchallpartial&__N=1216 1246 1247 1252 1282 901&__Nne=15&__Dx=mode matchany

At easter im going to change trans fluid and oil, remove turbo oil filter, replace diff oil, replace thermostat, water pump and coolant, install trans cooler.

One thing ive noticed so far is it gets warm in the cabin, ive felt around and the floor pan under drivers seat and around trans tunnel feels warm and also hot on the plastic shroud covering the heater unit unit on drivers side. Not sure if that's normal, dont thing its over heating as the needle hovers around just before the half mark all the time.

Second thing is after driving for a while and then pulling up and stopped at lights with foot on brake and in "D" I get a slight surging/pulsing, almost as if your the revs are going up and down constantly. I ve hear this could be TPS

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Sounds good. Link doesnt work though

If its the red one with 18' wheels and leather. Bloody tidy

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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@ 60k Kms I wouldnt bother with the water pump mate. Dont forget your fuel filter as this can contribute too the surging problem your having, Splash out on a can of throttle body cleaner and give the throttle body a good clean out too.

As for the heat in the cabin, check for exhaust leaks From the turbo too cat joint and also make sure you dont have any heater issues. The mixing shafts in BA's are known tooo break but that normally means not enough heater not too much!

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  • Cruise Whore
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What a deal - sounds like you did well :thumbsup: Yep, when I was looking around - red wasn't really on the agenda - but having had my Vixen BA for almost 1 year now - I must say it turns my head everytime I walk down our street :roflmbo:

Make sure you check the oil billet cap - if its the original plastic one from Ford, consider changing it. The screw thread had perished on mine due to heat I guess and bits of plastic thread dropped inside the engine - had to spend some $ fishing the bits out whereas $20 for an alloy oil billet cap would have prevented it.

You hadn't mentioned anything about brake shudder - it's something chronic on the BAs. Consider upgrading the rotors, especially the front ones, to dba 4000 slotted - most BA owners on this forum end up doing it if they can't put up with the endless machining of the rotors and the brake shudder returning :nono:

Not sure what's goin on with the heater though - might be a faulty thermostat somewhere? Or check for holes through the firewall between the engine bay and cabin - sometimes the previous owner may have drilled a hole through the firewall for cabling to come through and when they removed the cabling they didn't bother chocking up the hole with thermo resistent tape or something.

Anyway, consider joining us on the Snowy Cruise in Nov this year or the VIC Alpine Cruise in Mar next year - both are over-nighters so well worth drive over - we've had a few SA members come over for these longer epic cruises :roflmbo: Enjoy the car :beerchug:

Edited by EvilDaifu
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