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Give Fog Lights The Flick In Broad Daylight


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I wouldnt touch the dazzle ticket if it was a lighthouse approaching. Its all well and good in our perspective but try and convince a magistrate, that's a different story. Ive seen easeir things tossed out like garbage. I relate the law to a bowa constrictor. The harder you fight the tighter it gets, however plonky said it, it can also be an ass. :smilielol:

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  • The Bionic Man - half man-half titanium
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I dont know about NSW but down here in mexico the majority of pursuit SS's etc tend to drive with them on, how can they enforce a law there breaking themselves.

Rule 305 of the Australian Road Rules exempts Police from the Road Rules whilst they are engaged in Police work.

We are exempt from the restrictions on mobile phone useage whilst we are driving but it's a bit hard to talk on a phone then in the next breath give someone a ticket for driving whilst using their phone.

Common sense again should be the order of the day.

Wan ker lights (fog lights) shouldn't be used unless the atmospheric conditions allow, but even though Police are exempt they shouldn;t be used unless the atmospheric conditions allow for the lights to be used.

The 'lights cause dazzle' offence is quite easy to prove.

The test is subjective and if we (the Police) write out a ticket for lights that dazzle, as long as there is sufficient evidence to suport the dazzling effect it is an easy brief to proof.

Some of the ingredients for a successful prosecution would include an inspection of the angle of the light adjustment, the surfaces that the light is reflecting off ( shiny wet surface etc)

A very easy ticket to prosecute.

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What about rear fog lights? I find these far more annoying/distracting!!

These are the fools that need a good booking.

"I'm sorry Officer I thought it was the sun shining out of my....."

Everything from BM's to bloody Excels have 'em and none of the twits have any idea about using them.

I'm mounting a couple of Lightforce 140's on the back with red filters so they can see red like I do everytime I get stuck behind them.

Petty I know, but hey, if you can't beat them join them - and then make them pay.

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  • Flaccid Member
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I encourage everyone to turn thier foggies on, day or night.

The cops will be so busy booking you all, I'll get left in peace :lol:

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Legislation is changed/enacted by the Govt responding to what the majority wants.

I really don't think that as the article says "several complaints" amounts to anywhere near a majority vote. Someone in parliament has way toooooo much time on their hands if they took time to even make this law in the first place. I reckon we lobby to change the other law you mentioned and allow us to belt :stirthepot: who deliberately damage our cars! C'mon, who's got a maglight in the car?

I remember it becomming an issue with complaints in the early 90s due to the number of hat backward Suzuki Swift GTi drivers having them on all of the time. The term 'wa*ker Lights' was adopted at the time and a few articles were written on the topic in Motor, Wheels, Fast 4s and the papers.

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Plonky, "Rule 305 of the Australian Road Rules exempts Police from the Road Rules whilst they are engaged in Police work.", is that while cruising or engadged in 'action'? e.g. I see marked police cars speeding all the time when clearly not doing nething more than going to get their lunch at the local bakery etc...

Edited by veczar
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