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Nitto Invos


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I know there is alot of posts on this forum about tires and that maybe I should of continued on with another post but since I don't think that too many people have heard of them or even tried them I thought that it would be the right thing to start a new post.

Ok then, got them installed yesterday morning 245/35/19 fronts on a 8 inch rim and 285/30/19 on a 9.5 inch rim with a +42 offset , the first thing I noticed is that its an aggressive looking tire even more so than its pictures and another thing is that its non directional so you can

switch them around from left to right. The rears fit just perfectly on the rear of the sedan with about 5 mm of distance from the lower control blade and sits just inside the the guard by about 2 mm and up to now and 65km not once have they rubbed.

The verdict? for the price "350 front and 400 rears" the best tires I have yet fitted to my currant car and that includes Marangoni, Falken 452 and Nitto Nto5 which I had on the car as a loan for two weeks. Got some rain yesterday and in the wet they were a lot better than the others 3, in the

dry they where again a lot better than the Marangoni or the Falken but about the same as the Nt05 but what its got all over the Nt05 is the smoothness and quietness and I can honestly say that its one of the quietest and smoothest performance tires Ive ever owned.

On the down side, is the way they feel going at speed around corners, don't get me wrong they keep up with the other 3 but they feel a little tentative almost sluggish and feel like they can brake traction at any time, don' t know if having 285's on a 9.5 inch rim has any thing

to do with. But overall Im extremely happy with the results and would recommend them to anyone.

Edited by tpinto
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Yeah they are a great tyre but what you paid was a little steep!

Funnily enough I posted last night about these, as I'm putting some on in a few weeks.

BTW all the lambo guys in the states are swapping over to these tyres now too so they must go alright!

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I got them from Eagle Tires at Granville because that's where I got my rims and previous tires. I did call up a couple other places and they all quoted the same price and the fact that I would be waiting from 3 to 6 weeks for them to come in as a special order

from Japan and I guess that's because they all called up the same bloke who imports them. But next time and believe me there will be a next time unless I have issues like wear I might import them directly from the States and save a few dollars but the only issue being if theirs are made in Japan or somewhere else.. It was the first

time that the blokes at Eagle have seen these tires and they were very impressed by its looks even more so when they were on the car so much so that they are thinking of keeping stock of them. For any one that has had the NT05's and liked them then you will love the Invo for the fact that they grip about the same in the dry. better in

the wet but a whole lot smoother and very quiet.

Sorry about the layout of this post fellas but for some reason when I post the lines are breaking up and dropping down mid sentence even though it all looks good as I type.

Edited by tpinto
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Thanks for the review, especially the comparison between the Invo and the NT05's.

I currently have the NT05 and have been very impressed with this tyre, only real thing I didn't like was the noise. However, I am willing to put up with it because of the grip levels they provide. Have just ordered my second set through the Australian distributor, however might change it now after reading your post on the Inovo's.



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Somehow I dont think that you will be going back to the NT05's once you use the Invo"s Ben but like I mentioned above the only thing Im not certain about the Invos is the wear and just how they grip after a few thousand kays.

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Thanks for the review, especially the comparison between the Invo and the NT05's.

I currently have the NT05 and have been very impressed with this tyre, only real thing I didn't like was the noise. However, I am willing to put up with it because of the grip levels they provide. Have just ordered my second set through the Australian distributor, however might change it now after reading your post on the Inovo's.




Who is the Aust distributor and do they stock them on the shelf?



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Hi Benny.

Wheel Boyz at Yatala in SEQ are the major Distributor.


However in saying that, from what I understand there is no authorised distributor for Nitto tyres Australia. From what I was told Toyo and Nitto are made in the same factory/company just different brands and target market. Toyo blocked Nitto from coming to Australia to protect their sales in our small market. So Nitto tyres in Aus are all "Grey Imports" at this stage

I Droped into Wheelboyz retail shop last week and was told they where about to close off their retail side of the business to focus on wholesale.


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