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  • Sucker
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Can't really sell it any better than this, so a shameless copy and paste coming right up...

Willowbank run T&T nights on Wednesday's. It's cheap and as long as you have long sleeves, jeans, closed shoes and a helmet that meets their standards you can have a go (I bought mine from Morgan and Wacker for $95 its a good old open face harly riders style one that you cant go in proper comp meets with but is ok for T&T nights).


Drag racing is really fun when you have not done it before or it has been a long time since you have been past 150kph or so.

Most of us will be on street tyres so big burnouts that waste your tyres are not needed (ie they wont make you faster but if you want to put on a show, GO FOR IT!)

Seriously though we should organize a Wednesday night out at Willowbank.

it's very laid back, no bull sh*t fun.


* $40 to race, admits the entrant and one other.

* Spectators $20 adults, $18 students with ID

* Children 13 & under are free

* Helmet Requirements - ANDRA licence holder is to abide by the current ANDRA rule book at any event. At Test'n'Tunes and Street Series events we will be allowing street vehicles (I.e - non ANDRA licence holders) to still use the AS1698 standard helmet

* Seat belt requirement for cars slower than 11.99 – MINIMUM three point lap/sash required

* Seat belt requirement for cars quicker than 11.99 – MINIMUM four point harness required

* Purpose built race vehicles, cars quicker than 11.00 and motorcycles quicker than 10.00 must comply with the relevant ANDRA Class and Safety regulations pertaining to the vehicle

Oh yeh and we will NOT be measuring pen*s sizes all night! rwkw figures and supposed target mph / 1/4 times will be left for the internet cowboys, just rock up and run what ya brung.

Anyone interested?

Gates open at 5.30pm and runs commence at 6pm, so if anyone wants to meet-up beforehand express your interest and we can cruise out in convoy or something.

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  • Brisbanes Resident Detailer
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  • Member For: 16y 1m 16d
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  • Location: In my Cabin Outside Brisbane.

Im interested in giving it a go, would like to see what the ute pulls for a stocker.

Will be coming over from the Northside if anyones got a spot to meet.

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  • Member For: 19y 6m 25d
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If FPV get there act together and my new rims are here by then, I'll be keen. Really hoping to crack an 11 on the street tyres.

Just dependent on the new rims arriving, so I can throw new tyres on.

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  • Brisbanes Resident Detailer
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 1m 16d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: In my Cabin Outside Brisbane.

Borrowed a helmet from a mate who used to race at lakeside. Think its an AS2000 standard so hopefully that's all good for the Andra thing.

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