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Ba Brake Issue


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  • Cruise Whore
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Well, I had a lot of vibration above about 80km/h give or take some. Had the front wheels balanced and it went away. This was when I first got the BA about June last year.

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Had my BA(T) now for over 4 years and had braking/vibration issues especially above 80kph the entire time - in fact, its been the only major disappointment with the car.

New rotors help, new pads help, as does wheel alignment, as does balancing - but I find regardless of what you do (which never completely fixes it), a very short time later the vibration returns. I think its one of those things to "put up with", as it will drive people mad otherwise! :surrenderwave:

Edited by CBXRT
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I think the brake booster is just one of many potential issues with BA braking and vibration. The BA had its inherent design faults, some (not all) were fixed in the BA Mark 2 and BF.

What might fix it one time is not the fix the next time and so on.....

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Cbxrt in your experience what are the flaws in the BA1's braking system?

I must be the luckiest mofo out there as I've had two Ba's (a 1 and a 2 ) and have had no brake issues with either the standard of Premo's that where fitted too my car (appart from fade after repeated high speed stops but almost doubling the factory power output and not doubling the braking capacity will do that!)

I hope I have as much luck with the brembo's im about too fit :dontknow::icon_ford:

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Hiddeous, it definately all relates back to the fact the BA was designed with taxi brakes as standard, and the suspention is a little "soft" - whilst they can easily be upgraded of course, there are still issues with steering/diff that can cause vibration for others as well. Mine isn't terrible, more a constant nuisance that chews my tyres if I don't get regular alignments.....

Your brembos should be a massive upgrade though - nice work! :beerchug:

Edited by CBXRT
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If it happens whilst your just driving along at 80 to 100kmh for a while,I dare say your brake booster is at fault. If all the usuall checks have been done such as wheel balance,tyres and rims spin true and arent buckled etc then look towards this. A car shouldnt just start to have a monsterous shake at 90kmh for no reason and it sure isnt considered normal and something to put up with.

Try this,when the vibration starts to happen pretty bad,pull over gently and try push the car in neutral. If its hard to move,then it most likely is due to your brakes sticking on. Best thing to do is pull over gently,jack one front corner of the car up and try spin the wheel. If its tight,then as above.

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