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Ba Brake Issue


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  • Moderating Team
  • Member For: 21y 5m 25d
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  • Location: Southern Highlands NSW

Old man had a ba farimont. He has been experiencing a vibration between 85kph and above. Brake rotors and pads have been replaced. Tail shaft has been rebalanced.

The problem comes and goes and the old man found this article

Letter to editor:_

I have had wheel shake with my BA Falcon. It would start as a tremor around 85km/h and get violent and difficult to hold, and then it would just disappear. I tried soft braking and hard braking, nothing would fix it and it would go away for days, sometimes weeks. First my normal garage told me I had warped discs and they replaced the discs and calliper seal kits. It was all right for some weks but then started again, I tried Ford, but their care factor was nil, they told me to go to my local dealer who said the rod from the brake pedal to the booster was 5mm too long and to have the calliper seal kits replaced. They replaced the callipers, fitted and balanced new tyres, did the wheel alignment. If has not acted up for two months now, but ift feels as if it is suppressed not fixed.

The reply from editor:

it could well be that the discs are warping because the brakes are not fully releasing when you take your foot off the pedal. Check the vacuum booster, they are known to be a problem and Ford used two different boosters with different rod lengths and it's important that you get the one with the correct rod length for your car."

Has anyone had to replace the rod for the brake booster

thanks in advance

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  • Member For: 22y 1m
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  • Location: Sydney

Id be inclined to get the rear wheels balanced by a reputable mob. Might as well get all 4 done at the same time I spose. Rears "usually" shake above 60, front shake below 60.

Cheap as chips, and cancels out one thing.

Let me know how he goes.

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  • Member For: 17y 1m 23d
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  • Location: sydney

had this issue ever since I got my car from day 1, changed discs, calipers, flushed lines, new abs module and I was going to get my tailshaft AND NOW YOU SHOW ME THIS :bangcomputer:

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