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Center Tailshaft Bearing Farked....


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My center bearing collapsed after 8500ks in my new fg f6 manual ute, got it picked up by ford roadside and taken to my ford dealerhip. At first they said they would do the bearing under warranty, but when they found out they had to replace the entire tailshaft they said ill have to pay for it ($2500)!! They said they think the car has been driven harder than most they have seen so wont replace it... Its total bulls*%t! surely these FPV's should be able to handle to power they come with without problems like this? Has anyone else had this problem in their fg?

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they cant prove you were thrashing it. so just deny deny deny.

When you accelerate hard to the speed limit without doing burnouts... that is perfectly legal. You had to quickly change lanes from a set of lights to make an exit... and bang... it pops! Load of BS FORD. I swear do Expensive Daewoo drivers have the same issue with Expensive Daewoo warranties?

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Heres a little video of my fg f6 ute from the weekend, im chasing my mate on his cbr 1000.


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Nah that's bull!! go to veale autoparts and get one aftermarket if you dont need it done on warranty..cost around 150-200$$ and either DIY or get a mechanic for around 150$$ that's what I did;)

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I follow all of the above, however if you have only just put a new tail shaft in I would state that it may have been a faulty bearing to start with or was not fitted correctly.

No I havnt put a new tail shaft in, The utes ony done 8,500kms! I just think that its a badly designed tailshaft and supports, and cant handle the power... the amount of center bearings going on the fgs is bullsh$%.....

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Nah that's bull!! go to veale autoparts and get one aftermarket if you dont need it done on warranty..cost around 150-200$$ and either DIY or get a mechanic for around 150$$ that's what I did;)

I take it you have a ba?

because veales dont sell the centre bearings for an fg ute.

to the original poster.

if it is just the centre bearing that has gone and you have to pay for it and cant get warratny, buy it thru ford spare parts or coventries, its about $690 as it comes with centre bearing and the ball bearings for the slip joint in the middle also which is a pain but you have to buy them together.

edit: post some pics of the tail shaft if you can, as my first one was replaced under warranty as they said it was a bad design as it had a uni joint I think, never actually looked at it just took it back and got it replaced and replaced it with a bf designed tailshaft, I have since flogged out 2 centre bearings.

Edited by tinyplums
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