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Odb Ii Analyser


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Hi Guys,

Thought some of you guys might be interesting in the new project I am working on, I am currently developing an application for windows that will allow you to log and view ODB-II data. The application is in its early stages currently but it now sends and receives data from the ODB-II port and applies the formula to decode the received data into readable data by the user. Basically when you send a PID request to the ODB-II port the data it sends back is in a HEX string which to the everyday person is just garbage, the application needs to apply a formula/algorithm to decode the response for the user to be able to understand the data.

The exciting part is that I am hoping to be able to tap into the Enhanced Ford data, once this application is completed I am going to port it into a Centrafuse plugin as I think the standard ODB plugin is a bit basic.

To view the latest updates about this project just visit my blog at www.devblogz.com

If you have any suggestions or idea for the project feel free to leave a comment on my blog page.


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Had a bit of a set back in development, as I upgraded my version of Centrafuse to 3.5 and had discovered a heap of issues with it.

Latest update is I am getting a response from some Ford Enhanced PID's but don't have to correct formulas to decode them into meaningfull data. Anyone have documentation on these PID's I could use?

Once I have sorted out the Car PC issues I will start working on the Centrafuse plugin, at the moment it looks like it will only support SAE PID's unless someone can provide me with the information of Fords Enhanced PID's.


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A quick update, heaps of work has gone into the brains of this application I have just finished coding a feature that allows you to time 0 - 100 times. It gives you a print out on the screen of 0 - 20, 0 - 40, 0 - 60, 0 - 80 and 0 - 100 times. This still needs a little bit of fine tuning but I think will be a fun feature of the program, I will first release BETA version that will have a expiry date to allow people to test it out.

A Centrafuse Plugin is still underway and will hopefully contain all the features included in this application, spare time is limited sometimes and slows development.


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I've got a bluetooth adapter for my odb2 port. Then I use an app called "Torque" on my android phone. It accesses heaps of different data. Might be worth checking out. I have access to the PIDs and formulas it uses if that would help?

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yea I have heard of that app, would be great if you could pass on any PID and formulas you have access to. You might have some I haven't managed to get hold of.

Thanks mate

Edited by ENVYOSXR
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Hi mate,

Love the idea. This is one of those things where you need that kiwi wireless device ay? You should also work on a best quarter mile time :) Be good if we could view fault codes and not just get a code but tells you what the code means. And be able to get rid of the check engine light :D Bit like REV for the iphone. But monitoring data on the pc would be much better!

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Thanks mate, yea I have plans for being able to detect fault codes and display a text description with the ability to clear the fault codes as well. There is a heap of work required to do all of that but will be implemented over time.

There could possibly be a ladder that displays all of the users quickest times, we shall see when its released.


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