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Turbo Spin Down


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Sorry guys but I need to ask a really basic question. I heard ppl on here talking about their turbos 'spinning down' after the engine is shut down. How long should this last? What exactly does it sound like? I've just taken my T for a bit of a squirt tonight, parked up and there is no sound when the engine is sh*t down. To my knowledge it never has.

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  • Member For: 14y 5m 26d
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It sound like ball bearings turning, (skate board wheels) shouldnt be gravely/harsh type sound. How long Ive never timed it. Most of the time I dont hear it either with traffic and other noises.

But in my garage it sounds so loud but that's just due to the concrete floor and brick walls it magnifies the sound.

Edited by gsd112
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  • Member For: 21y 5m 26d
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If you want to have a look at this process pull off the plastic pipe at the inlet of the turbo and dis connect it from the cross over. Start the car let it idle and then turn it off. The turbo will keep spinning for between 30 and 60 seconds

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