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Charlie Sheen


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If he manages to survive without frying his brain or killing himself, I am sure he will bounce back.

People love this type of story and CS is the type of person who will milk the publicity for all it si worth. All it is doing is raising his popularity profile.

People come out and say how bad it is, yet will still buy the ragmags that will beatup or makeup a story to sell their crap.

Good on him I say as I agree with Doc, there is not much truth in all the reports and CS is making a mockery of the mass media by stringing them along, towing his own publicity agenda.

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It's ironic though that it's the media who are 'attacking' him yet it's the media who made him famous & made him his money anyway.(film/tv/newspapers/magazines - they are all owned by the same people like Rupert Murdoch etc.)

I don't have any sympathy for celebrities who get lambasted by the media. They choose to be in the public eye so they can expect to be under far more scrutiny than Joe Average & get their actions publicised whenever they cough or sneeze without covering their mouth. Same with politicians.

Making money is not meant to be easy so they have to take the good with the bad, just like everyone else. Without the media companies putting him on a pedestal CS would probably be wearing a green apron in Bunnings or selling sundaes at maccas. IMO he can suck it up.

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No Matt, everybody is missing the point that the guy has been off the gear for 6 weeks and has 4 independent drug tests to prove it. Most of whats coming out in the media is about one word of truth for every paragraph of crap and a whole lot of mostly edited youtube vids.

Same sh!t happened to Mel. When his present troubles started last April or May I told TMZ one line which was "Mel is a great guy and a terrific father," they made a 4 paragraph story of nonsense out of it and my mobile and email ran hot from every rag mag and internet celeb site for a month after so I just deleted and hung up on them without saying boo.

Knowing Charlie, he will play this and stir them up for all its worth it's just who he is. At least he has the balls to admit that he's snorted a mountain of peruvian dancing dust and so what? Although I don't agree with it personally, it's his life and his brain, at least he could afford it without to violence or robbery. My bet is that you will see this all fade away when the next accused is given a trial by media. These guys all know it will happen to them eventually, its just a matter of when and how severe it is. Then they bounce back, Robert Downey Jnr is a classic example drug and booze free now and on top of the world, 10 years ago he was jailed for drugs and vilified by every printing press on the planet. Charlie will be fine.

I care not for him racking up lines off some hookers behind but all I'm asking is do you think his current behaviour is normal / healthy because it doesn't appear to be.

Plenty of people do bounce back but plenty dont.

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From what I can gather he's always been the same. Whats normal. If he's remaining clean I guess that could be abnormal for him. Most of these people are artistic types who don't fit into what we would call the normal bracket in the first place. They basically forfeit any shred of privacy and normality they have for the fame they either crave or have thrust upon them and are continually watched and/or hounded by the media. He doesn't live my version of normality but he is playing this (the media) for all its worth out of boredom and probably frustration. He is a bit of an extremist and you can't do that many drugs and still have all the neurons firing in correct order. I'm not worried about him and he's not worried about him.

This will all fade away when the next so called star makes a slip up. In the past 18 months we have had Brittany Spears, Sandra Bullock's Husband, Hasselhoff, Lindsay Lohan, Alec Baldwin, Mel Gibson and now Charlie Sheen. At the end of the day they are ordinary people with extraordinary lives.

Edited by hypnodoc
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Just when we thought things on planet Sheen couldn't get any worse, Charlie-claims-that-he's-clean Sheen, pulled a machete out and starting waving it around on a roof top while drinking out of a bottle marked Tiger's Blood,(a snow cone with a mix of cherry, strawberry, and watermelon syrups with “a hint of coconut.” How rock and roll!) alongside one of his live in 'Goddesses' after officially being sacked from his £58 million contract.


The f*ck is with the Machete? Anybody else would be locked up.

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Charlie to direct Two and a Half Women, starring 3 of his PornStar Ex's


*In south park detectives voice* "Nicccccceeeeeeeee"

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