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Cowboy Utes

turbo ute79

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Working out mines at the moment and see a few cowboy utes. You know the ones 2wd falcon/commodore/kingswood a bullbar that looks like it came off a bloody Mack truck big :censored: caterpillar mud flaps and spotlights that would turn a pig into bacon a 50 paces. Always overtake me on the way to work at about 150. My question is does anyone actually think these things look good. I mean I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I'm sure people out there think the cars I have built are sh*t but most people seem to have liked what I build. Does anyone actually like these things, what is the appeal. If I wanted a big bulbar I'd buy a v8 land cruiser if I wanted big spotlights and mud flaps for whatever reason they have em I'd buy a jacked up hilux and go roo shooting. Somebody please enlighten me. :beerchug:

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Beause the utes can do max doeys in the gravel? I used to live in CQ and see them everywhere, to them it's the same as pink paint and 20s in Sydney.

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I have lived in cq all my life and I dont have one. And I reckon 20s and flash paint can look really good. Anything can do doughnuts in the gravel ffs my old kingswood (front and rear bench seat) was a weapon on the dirt and and it wouldnt pull a maggot of a pork chop.

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I wish I could tell u y they do it . But I cant

I have no idea y they think they look good .

I can live with the bull bar n an aerial or 2

But when they r 3m long n have 20 of them with 1000 stickers it has got me forked

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If you really want the ultimate experience spend a night in Tamworth. FMD there are some wankers getting around down there...if your high gain antennas (all four of them) aren't tapping the powerlines then they aren't big enough.

The best was the self-closing exhaust flap thingos you normally see on trucks with vertical exhaust stacks...but on a ute with standard horizontal exhaust. The way they rattle on idle is just full of knuckle dragging awesome.

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hey, its a bit of fun. I can dig most of it. its representative of their lifestyle. The music, the machinery they might drive or aspire to drive.

But. those rediculous bullbars? You know the ones.. that's crossing the line. because up and until then this culture isn`t effecting anyone else.

they want to ( some city do gooders ) want to ban the bullbar. I think a NATIONAL RECOGNISED STANDARD!!! bullbar would better suit all concerned.

Cause ya see one of these .. cars.. coming at you and think F me dead, cops will ping me for what ever and that's all good?

But ahhh, you get sitting behind ol mate in his B&S ute at the lights and you`ve got something to read to pass the time.

Up until the RSJ gets welded to the front of the WB its no worse than Declan in his Excell with his fart cannon and neons.

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Few of my mates are into this, one of them takes the cake. None of his 3, 2m ariels are connected to anything, neither are the 4, 300mm lights on the roll bar. The 5 post bar over the front end also weighs the front down and with an empty tray it handles poorly.

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