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Is 120,000Km's Too Many?


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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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At that many K's you run into issues with suspension components wearing out - especially the diff bush...

Yep, and the diff bush is one of the easier ones to fix. I've had heaps of cars and it doesn't mater who makes 'em but post 100k, you're on the downhill slide. It's mainly ancillaries that start to fail. Things like alternators, power steer pumps, starter motors, etc. Then stupid sh*t like ECU problems, power windows/mirrors and the like. Not expensive on their own but reliability starts to suffer. Here we're talking about a high performance vehicle making it even worse.

As others have said, just try and get the lowest k best looked after car you can find. Even then, she's a lucky dip. Good luck.

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Can vouch for the bushes and suspension, getting front bushes done today and next on the list is rear and then some of Pats (WHS) goodies. But hell, the diff bush was done under warranty when the car had about 50 thou on it, they don't make them to last.

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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You were lucky to get 50k out of it but then again, the FG's have more of a problem with this as they're more powerful :roflmbo: No actually, there just a sh*tier bush - doh!

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Yeah it was probably gone for a while. I didn't notice it, they pointd it out when it was in for a service. First and last Ford service it got!

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Guest XR09
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Good luck finding a BA with that many K's that has not been modded and returned to stock. Or serviced properly if it is stock. And how will you know it has not been modded ????

91 ron in a turbo will cause preignition more than likely. Best way to blow a T. And sorry but how can you give a toss about the price of fuel if you are thinking of buying the best part of a two ton missile ??? It just does not make any sense. Buy an MP3 or an R1.

An N/A willgo for 500,000k's absolutely no worries how hard it has been driven. A T is a totally different story. Specially a modded T. Guys here Have blown almost new FG's in the T.

Bottom line a 2nd hand T is a lottery. The more k's the more the odds are stacked against you.

Buy an N/A BA/F and drop an Atomic or CV motor in it. Get it passed and then go the hog with coolers and exhaust.

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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Good luck finding a BA with that many K's that has not been modded and returned to stock. Or serviced properly if it is stock. And how will you know it has not been modded ????

91 ron in a turbo will cause preignition more than likely. Best way to blow a T. And sorry but how can you give a toss about the price of fuel if you are thinking of buying the best part of a two ton missile ??? It just does not make any sense. Buy an MP3 or an R1.

An N/A willgo for 500,000k's absolutely no worries how hard it has been driven. A T is a totally different story. Specially a modded T. Guys here Have blown almost new FG's in the T.

Bottom line a 2nd hand T is a lottery. The more k's the more the odds are stacked against you.

Buy an N/A BA/F and drop an Atomic or CV motor in it. Get it passed and then go the hog with coolers and exhaust.

Off topic a bit, but it always gets me when people want cars to perform better than all the legendary muscle cars of the 60 - 70s (phase III etc) but want to run it on cat piss and return under 10L per 100k. For fark sake!

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Guest XR09
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I know. And try getting better then 12mpg out of a ph3 or 2 even the old 302 ph1 could not get 15mpg sheeeezus

ha ha sorry just read what I wrote. I meant the old XT GT302. XR GT was a 289.... I think anyway 17lp100k's was good

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I don't think 100k is too many, but it depends if you want to go crazy with mods etc.

I got my ba at 70k and now its done 120, and it is modded and driven hard, but I haven't had any real issues that weren't caused by me :)

Once they get close to 200,000 is when you will start running into bigger issus IMO.

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