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Crabon Tax , Carbon Tax


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  • Phantom Menace
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If liberal were still in power we would have ALOT LESS DEBT and any stimulus would be in tangable national infrasturucture, not plasmas, burning home insulation, rippoff solar water/power products and useless buldings.

My kids kids will be paying off this debt. I am sure that Gough Whitlam was sacked for over spending and racking up way too much money on useless things. SACK THE BITCH AND HER USELESS GOVERNMENT :buttonit:

You dont know what would have happened, anyone can make bold assumptions about things that "might" have been, Gough was sacked because his government couldn't get basic supply and other budgetary legislation passed through the senate, a PM will not be sacked because you voted the other way, everyone else saying the same thing needs to deal with it, regardless of who wins elections theres always close on half the country opposed to the winner, if its a single party dictatorship your after move to China. In saying that it doesn't mean you have to roll over and take every decision they make quietly. Im also against the carbon tax as I don't see any benefit other than a lighter wallet, but ranting and raving and calling this countries PM derogatory names achieves zero, theres plenty of like minded on Andrew Bolt and Piers Ackermans blogs head on over and join the party :buttrock: Enjoy the march and stay safe those things can go pear shaped fast when theres a lot of passionate people feeding off mob mentality.

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ZAP you come across as an intelligent man so you should probably know better than saying "My kids kids will be paying off this debt."

We all know big chunk of that money was wasted but to say your grand kids will be paying it off is a BIT of an exaggeration...

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no mick you just back your v8 upto her pffice window and give it a huge rev if the noise does not get her the carbon out the exhaust will haha.

Rememebr that is what is killing everyone.


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ZAP you come across as an intelligent man so you should probably know better than saying "My kids kids will be paying off this debt."

We all know big chunk of that money was wasted but to say your grand kids will be paying it off is a BIT of an exaggeration...

Dule zap is right on that piont it will take somewhere up to 50 years to pay it back.

How much do you think we as a nation owe from goverment loans mostly to the chinenesse.

Start at 300 billion and keep going the intrest alone so far is over 1 billion a year that is just federal loans.

In qld we owe over 80 billion so if you take everyy state into account we are technally bankrupt.

When theyy say they will have the budget back in the black by 2013 its just they will get more money in they put out it does not mean they have paid back the loans.

how can they the budget is about 600 billion a year to pay it back by 2013 they would need to raise an extra 500 billion a year till than where the f*ck will thye get that it is not possible.


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Its still miles ahead of the rest of the world. Where did you pluck your figures from incidentally? Most developed nations will have only halved their deficits by then, but debt levels and the hysteria about them isn't relevant to the thread.

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From memory I think we spent somewhere around $45 billion on the stimulus package. Before this we had some money in the bank (no idea how much) so as far as I know this is the money they have to pay back (Julia and Swan). Not going in to state debt here.

And by international standards this is f*ck all, I had no problem with spending this money it just pisses me off that a lot was wasted, mainly due to corrupt officials throughout the states.

I'm no economist, pretty f*cking far from it in fact but from what I hear our biggest problem is our private debt, individual and corporate...

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And by international standards this is f*ck all, I had no problem with spending this money it just pisses me off that a lot was wasted, mainly due to corrupt officials throughout the states.


As much as I dislike the current government for their populist ideals and the blatant bullsh*t etc. we have to be realistic, Australia was and still is in a pretty bloody good position financially. Nobody would have had an issue with the stimulus had it not been rorted.

Yes there are a billions in debt but we are not bankrupt...there is no problem in servicing the debt so that's just hysteria.

Back to the topic it all comes down to these morons (and all politicians suffer the same problem) implementing what they feel are warm and fuzzy ideas that the electorate thinks they need as a self-serving prophecy to keep themselves in power.

Nobody with half a brain cannot see that this is a complete waste of time and money given Australia's insignificant contribution to carbon output in global terms, and that's even before you visit the debate about man-made climate change.

But Joolya needs to keep the greens and independents (that realise this will be their last term) happy or she'll be out of The Lodge - that's all it comes down to.

The only way anything will change is to bring back the days of politicians with balls...not nansy pansy fckn pushovers that are too scared to actually make decisions that matter and govern.

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And by international standards this is f*ck all

Still a concern though, as to say we are ok compared to the others who are in monumental debt does not give me a warm inner glow.

And the fact that we do not have much to show for it.

Edited by Smoke them tyres
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