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Macarthur Region


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  • Member For: 22y 1m 5d
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I just get images of everyone sitting in a room, much like a AA meeting, except they are all from macarthur region instead.

hi, my name's mickus, and I live in c town.

*breaks down in tears*

its ok, its ok, we can hire kennards hire trucks for you, we'll have you moved out of that sh1thole before you know it. just grab your kids and your valuables, and drive as fast as you can.

group hug

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  • ride the lightning
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  • Member For: 18y 4m 26d
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I work in the ACT, still spend the majority of my time in Sydney.

And I usually lock my doors when im around C town or Macarthur region...... the best bit about Macarthur is when I see it in my rear view mirrors....

Hey hey you should all organise a cruise! Start at C town Centrelink, cruise to like Mackers, then a Woolies servo for some winnie blues, then finish up doing a drive by or car jacking somewhere?

we could all take you up on that cruise

but end it in canberra.you do have the biggest criminals down there..

its called the goverment.

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  • 2 months later...
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  • Member For: 15y 7m 7d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Sydney - Campbelltown

Hey Fella's

I am sticking this post in the Macarthur Region section as it seems it relates to us the most. I had a fella break into my house on Monday morning 4am while I was sleeping. He managed to wake me in breaking a lock on a door. He burnt through the wire on the sliding security door and flicked the latch, then broke the lock on the sliding glass door to get in, he had managed to wake me by this stage so I was up and waiting as he entered the door way, then I gave chase out of the property..

Now I have put this up because I had the Detecives show up to investigate and it seems im one targeted for my car FG T. One of their own boys in blue with a FGT was targeted last week with the same break in method. My car was out the front, its alarmed so they have come for the Keys. The cops told me their is a crew working the ctown narallan areas and have already got GTs GTSs and Turbos. They told me to keep it garaged, these people unscrewed my sensor lights in the backyard before this date, I didnt pick up on it. They managed to open a colourbond gate with a padlock without breaking the padlock.

In story they are keen to get wat they want. Lockem up good and make sure ya security is upto date is all.

I was in 2 minds whether to share this, not wanting to scare people just make you all aware.


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  • 2 weeks later...

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