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Fg Turbo - Severe Axle Hop


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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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So this explains the floppy rear end of the car. What part/s exactly should be replaced?

A couple of ways to fix. My choice is not to change springs because I don't want to firm up the ride - shocks maybe. However, that seems to work. The fundamental problem is the 'spongy' rear diff bush. That and the control blade ones are too soft. The whole thing not only flogs up and down but backwards and forwards when tramp is occuring. Upgraded control blade bushes minimise front to back movement and a better diff bush reduces up and down. My mate at pedders has fixed heaps of these and belives the best option is to do both. One step further is to replace the inner diff bushes but then you are really firming it up and may break something else - diff hat, tailshaft. I'll be going with the superpro versions 'cause I don't want noise. Cheers, Bomber.

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Sorry to dissapoint guys but I've got all of the Superpro bushes put in on the rear of the manual FG and it still tramps like a mofo !!

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  • Resident idiot.
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I don't think spring and shocks are the answer. It still feels like it moves a little left to right as I'm pushing through a bend (on those days when I get traction)

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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Most seem to have fixed it with the replacement bushes and it will solve the movement issues. Worst case springs and shocks as well but without replacing the bushes, you're treating the symptoms - not the cause.

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Hello All,

I have an FG manual XR6T sedan. I found the axle tramp very inhibiting especially in the wet, even the slightest bit of wheel spin turned into a severe banging in the rear. I basically had to baby the car around to prevent the issue.

My fix went like this;

1. inspected all of the bushes under the car, found the centre rear diff bush torn. This was not too obvious, only noticeable if a screwdriver was inserted into the voids of the bush to spread them then the split became obvious.

2. Installed centre diff bush insert from Pedders, did this without removing the rear sub frame (slotted the washer they gave me to go over the bolt). This approach did absolutely nothing to help.

3. Installed superpro control blade bushes, no difference.

4. Installed superpro pinion support bushes and the centre diff bushing (removal of sub frame required), this fixed about 70% of the issue, huge difference.

5. Put new tyres on the rear to replace the original equipment Dunlop's, just cheap 245/40/18's. Problem completely gone.

The car will now skate on wet surfaces at any time without tramp.

Bushes cost around $450 for the control blade, pinion support and centre diff bush. Hope this helps.


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