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Different Tread Depths On Rear With Lsd


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After a nasty argument with a pothole, I have finally got my rims back after a month in the repairer. One of the tyres busted the sidewall on the pothole, it wasn't that old - about 5,000km. I asked for that one to be replaced.

Now, my question is, I decided to rotate my wheels front to back, which means the new tyre and its 5,000km old twin from the front are now on the back. So one has about 2-3mm more tread than the other.

I heard someone talking about how this will cause the LSD diff to wear as one wheel is spinning slightly quicker than the other all the time. Sounds a bit questionable, but somewhat plausible also.

Anyone here know whether this is a bad thing? If so, I'll just swap them back to the fronts, but am hoping to get a little more wear out of the ones that were originally on the back..

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I wouldn't think that would be an issue? Seems a minor difference that surely they should be built to accomodate for. Heck the stock spare doesn't work out exacty the same dia as the alloy 18's mine came with.

Of interest Mine seems to where the left rear more than the right rear anyways, so it's been running prob 2mm+ difference for ages no dramas.

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Think it's only bad when the wheel is different size.. I had a 16'' on one side and a 19" on the other and didn't feel good

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I've got the same thing going on, hit a MASSIVE pot hole and now have one new one a year old at the back. Was a bit worried at first but it seems to be OK a month later. Would prefer them to be the same but couldn't justify throwing away a perfectly good tyre.

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You are talking 3 fifths, of 2 thirds, of 6 eighths of stuff all. Look at the thread for the vic alpine cruise that's upcoming and read a post by Rusty about what happens when you put different sized wheels on. THEN you have a problem.

Seriously, not even worth worrying about what you have.

Edited by Rudiger
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No harm in checking someone elses advice. Wheels are back on the front now anyhow, the falken 452s from the rear felt horrible on the front. I've noticed that the falkens get worse and worse with age. Thanks for the replys anhow.

One good thing to note is that while a wheel alignment was being performed, they noted the rear suspension pivot bushes were gone, can be replaceD for as little as 300 bucks, solves thje rattle over small bumps problem all these cars have. This is compared to fords 2000 dollar quote as*pparently 'have to do the shocks as weel, all one unit'... I'm so glad the car is out of warranty..

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