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Sct X3 How To Use It On 2 Cars?


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Reading the manual the unit cannot be used on a second car unless the first car is returned to stock. How is this bypassed? I cannot believe in this day and age any sort of block like this stands up. If you've paid $700 odd for a unit why can you not use it on 2 vehicles, it's a nice business if you can get away with it!

I don't have 2 cars requiring the unit, A mate has one from a vehicle he sold. It was not returned to stock so by the manual the 700 unit he has is a paperweight? surely not.

I look forward to any responses.

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yes that is correct, the best thing your mate can do is offer it for sale to who ever he sold it to or at least ask if the owner will al\low him to return it back to stock, but doubt that would happen

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Why would you? It was only a generic tune on a BF GT, small improvements everywhere. Not even worth mentioning it was not stock as no hardware was modified, to sell it with the tuner would have been a negative in my book. It must just be a file on the thing somewhere that needs resetting. I expect to get it working one way or another.

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You can send it to capa to get unlocked but I think they only do it if a vehicle was written off or stolen and need proof.. I emailed them with this exact situation a while back and he said to send it to them and they'll swap it for 200$.. This was the capa1 though

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Luckyfly I see your frustration but each tune is different and so is matched to the vehicle by the tuner. Returning it to stock would have been the go or just hand it over to the new owner. He has bought the car so why noit give him the flash unit.

It would be like selling it with lock nuts but not giving the new owner the key.

In the scheme of things, what your car is worth and what mods are worth, I wouldn't like to go using a flash edit from some other car. No way. Be like putting in some one elses false teeth just cause they were sitting there and I wanted a steak.

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Luckyfly I see your frustration but each tune is different and so is matched to the vehicle by the tuner. Returning it to stock would have been the go or just hand it over to the new owner. He has bought the car so why noit give him the flash unit.

It would be like selling it with lock nuts but not giving the new owner the key.

In the scheme of things, what your car is worth and what mods are worth, I wouldn't like to go using a flash edit from some other car. No way. Be like putting in some one elses false teeth just cause they were sitting there and I wanted a steak.

I see your point, just to be clear I wanted the unit for an upcoming custom tune on my car. Looks like it's retail price for me on this little bugger : )

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