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After The Sale...


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After playing the requisite game of haggling with the sales representative and agreeing upon a price which I was prepared to pay, I was then ushered into the office of the "customer service representative" (CSR).

The CSR was an attractive young lady in her mid to late twenties with long legs and showing a great deal of cleavage. She wanted to sell me things like paint protection, tint, etc.

In my younger days I would have been all over her like ants at a picnic, but, having already gone through two costly divorces and not looking to endure a third, I summoned all of my will power, stared directly into her breasts and said, "no thank you".

Has anyone had a similar experience when purchasing a vehicle?

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I bought my Phoon with 19" Rims( inc spare)FPV Wheel, Tints, Custom Leather and Sunroof as options. Great price deal done all good.

It was when I went to pick it up I was ushered into the lounge to wait whilst it was collected.

Then the tata lady ( very nice young thing) appeared to put the hard sell on me for Satnav , paint & leather protection.

Which I politely declined and asked if I may please have a coffee whilst I wait for car.

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You should have gone the tints!!!

Mmmm tints.... :smiliefatbellydancer:

I've been doing the run around for the last couple of weeks now looking at new cars and have been surprised at the tactics used by different car yards. Ford they cant wait to take your keys from you which immediately gives you the feeling of no escape, they then proceed to disappear for lengths of time leaving you with your thumb up your butt pondering your thoughts about your decision, if you want a test drive its like the end of the world and your just trying to get the car off the lot to do a bank job and there's no way your going to be in the drivers seat for at least the first 4 blocks. Holden on the other hand the sales guys cant wait to hand you a set of keys the moment you hit the yard and send you out for a drive by yourself without even a hint of a sales pitch before you get back and they stick to you like glue.

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The dealer I purchased from used the same tactic with the girl. She was VERY attractive but that still wouldn't make me pay $600 for window tint lol

I purchased from bayford epping.

So which dealer has the hottest one?

Edited by dre
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I had the opposite, fairly attractive pommy saleswoman, and a bitch flogging the extras lol. They gave me the keys and I took it for about 4hours by myself when I went to look at it though.

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