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Conroy The Dud

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"This is not technology for the big screen movie delivered to a plasma or LED TV. It's portable technology that allows consumers to get access to high speed broadband that is capable of downloading the full movie Animal Kingdom to a smaller screen in less than 3 minutes" a company executive said.

Narrows your future market greatly.

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Adding more towers and pumping more speed out is great idea but your missing the point. one the user needs to be able to get that signal and if everybody is on the network downloading and they will be. there will be massive network congestion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_congestion

right now if I call my isp and said I have slow wireless speed they will ask me 20 question like have you tried it in another area? do you have an antenna? if the answer is yes then a fault will be logged and I will have to wait for network techs investergate. and after some time they will give me one of a few answers

1. there is Network Congestion on the tower and tower will be put in a congestion list for tower to be upgraded for Throughput. no time frame

2. faulty device.

3. Need a Stronger Antenna.

4. Possable Network blackspot.

How portable is a large antenna strapped to your device car or roof?

wireless is great dont get me wrong. I have seen crazy speeds but it does has massive limitations.

NBA with Fiber is a much smarter idea. yes your average person does not need a 100mbs speed connection but they may in the future.

With Fiber if there is an issue. it will be logged to a tester and a tester will test the line and if there is an issue send a tech. a tech will go to the ONT and test. turn around is as fast if not faster then ADSL. the ONT is the box on the wall feeding your house with Phone, Data, Free to air and Foxtel. Much Much Quicker turn around on faults and much easyer to test. 99% of people connect with a modem but you dont need one. if you connect any pc or mac with lan connection into the data port you can connect my making a PPPoE connection.

I hate Conroy with a passion but I agree with him on this one.

Edited by neo
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True but there's a lot of traveling business people who need portable internet access not a fixed fibre line which is fine for downloading movies fast at home but not much else.

The government should be investing in both, instead of being so ambitious with their ideas. Small wonder the NBN has been ridiculed by so many people with sound economic background (including the worlds richest man, who made a lot of his money from telco). We're spending more on broadband than anyone else in the world.

You meet a lot of people who say stuff like 'It will be great for downloading movies' blah blah & really talk it up. I think a lot of them will be shocked when they fork out for the famous NBN. In a recent study most internet traffic here comes from overseas, not from within Australia. So the speed is limited by the server anyway. Some of them have trouble sending data quick enough to a 10mbps download connection, let alone 100mbps, because they are crappy servers. Download a file from a site which hosts its content on good servers like microsoft or apple & you notice the difference in download speed, even though the connection speed is the same.

Also with the way technology becomes redundant these days the NBN will probably be outdated by the time the ranga & her cronies have made a total clusterf*ck of it.

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I have trouble with the Govt spending so much so that farmers can download porn faster. I am always traveling and have never had an issue getting on line with a hotel server or my trusty Vodaphone stick thingy. To the vast majority of people who are not rural dwellers or internet boffins this entire thing is just another absolute waste of money. IMHO its worse than the insulation debacle because this time they actually state that they know what they are doing and yet here they are about to borrow 46 billion while they are bleating about having to find 20 billion for flood and cyclone victims. Seems they have their priorities all twisted around to me. I wonder how many international 5 star trips those who are in charge of this have taken already. I would bet a million dollars that if you dug far enough, you would find another academic idiot like that Ross Garnaut who advises the Govt on the fallacy or man made global warming, is the one pulling all the strings behind this issue which will more than likely metamorphasise into Australia's latest money wasting debacle. It would also pay to bear in mind that never in living memory has any government ever bought any project home within its designated budget and so according to that formula 46 billion @ 3% inflation during the past year they have been tossing themselves about this it is already about 1.6 billion over projected budget. If this nonsense goes ahead it will blow out to at least 55 billion. See what Queen Joolia has to say about it then. What a huge waste of money and another potential international embarrasment.

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I agree with you Turbo6FG The government should be investing in both. but Fiber will not be outdated not for a very very long time. all the worlds undersea pipeline are fiber. all the links to the exhanges here are fiber. the NBN is about getting the fiber to the home or business. and you are right there at this point are very few places that you can download 100mbs+ from. technology does becomes redundant. but the copper network is falling apart and it cost alot to maintain it. the question is will somthing better then fiber come out before we fall behind with the rest of the world?

hypnodoc most people I speak to with issue's in my line of work are not farmers they are everyday people. most farmers understand they cant get adsl or cable becuse of there distance. but they are very happy they dont need to use idsn or satellite. for a smaller cost then a satellite dish most farmers opt for wireless with a Directional antenna that points to the tower. a trained tech goes out and installs it then tests it. if the farmer cant get the minium network speed or enough signal then they dont pay for the device or installation. but sadly most farmers and people are sold wireless and are not told they may need an antenna if they have poor speed or signal.

And here is also a little unknown fact its 2011 and no isp in Australia guarantees in building coverage. so basicly if you cant make a call, sms or use internet all your ISP has to do not have to do is say. Sorry we dont guarantee in building coverage and its in your terms and agreements. go make make your call outside. they dont say this because they want to keep customers but by law they can and there is nothing you can do about it. so bottom line is if an isp cant guarantee you in building coverage and its 2011 its pointless building wireless as australias primary network. but your are right

NBN is a massive massive expence and there are also alot of things it could be better spent on.

but here comes the saying. cheap, fast or reliable you can only have two. the question you have to ask is yourself as a taxpayer is would you prefer the goverment spends 46 - 50 billion on somthing fast and Reliable that will a last a long time? or keep spending money fixing somthing that's broken and look/wait for an alternative that may not come.

personly myself just like most people here like to build stuff to last. people building up anything spend alot of coin on building it strong. they may never use its full potential. but im sure just like myself they go to sleep at night sound in the knowlage that it was money well spent. because when they wakeup and go to use it they know its Reliable.

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well try this on for size I live 3 hours from brisbane we can only get adsl not adsl2 some areas get mobile broad band veryy limited.

To add to this if you cant get either they tryy satilite now heres the funny bit that does not work in alot of areas here either not even the ambos sat phone works here so what do we get sweet f all.

We have about 15000 people living here we are also not expected to get fibre either.

It is the bigest waste of money this goverment has ever had.

Even dail up is an issue drop outs and very limited service.


the nbn is not being rolled out where it is needed and that is where there is no service it is just a big city thing.

They are now say only 93 % of australia will get it same as mobile network this a con job.


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I could go on but this about the internet not every thing else that happens.


Ps lets just say we call ourselves the fbi(forgotten barsteds inland)

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Neo I'm not against fibre as such. More the fact that the ranga can't seem to manage money properly & everything she organizes seems to turn to sh*t. I just hope that when it does us as taxpayers aren't going to suffer for it.

They could've done fibre to the node which would have still been as fast as most people are ever going to use at the moment & spent a bit of cash on better wireless coverage in rural areas. They are the best places to put fast wireless as there's not normally a lot of people out there to use up the signal strength.

We are spending more on this than the USA. Even in this day and age there are still a lot of people who don't even know how to use a computer. So when they are rolling fibre 'down every street' for each one of those people it's at least $5000 wasted, in a time when Australia is in debt, the world economy is unstable & another crash on Wall Street could make things almost irrecoverable. Not to mention hospitals, roads etc & other things more important.

I'm betting the NBN will blow out to over $50b with the bunch of clowns in charge & then if ranga is still running the show we will be hit with another tax to cover costs.

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