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  • 09JET
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I also don't believe in tattoo's that have no signifigance or meaning. Wizards, castles, flaming skulls, flaming whatever doesn't do it for me. Whatever floats your boat though. I have a rule, if I want it, then still want it three years later I'll go and get it it. I drew this up and got it done on my forearm. Some like it, some don't (ie my old boy lol) but I don't care I like it and I've been around cars my whole life so it has special signifigance to me. I eventually plan to have a whole arm of car art like some low brow hot rod art etc.


I wanna get "Hit the bottle hard" under it soon.

I wonder how many Asians get words for better living tattooed in English on them.

Trough what's wrong with the Southern Cross? I don't like seeing it on redneck dole bludgers and outright racist mofo's cause I reckon they're the ruination of this country. I did my bit for my country, love it and am proud of what the old Aussie ideal is, so I'm proud to wear it on my bicep.

Mar is that 'Stay True Always' tattoo Straight Edge by any chance?

Edited by Rhino1980
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yeah its is my tattoo both are umm no not edge it accualy was a relationship tattoo nd was like ment to be stay true to each other but she dident so now its a stay true to myself tattoo dont regret it at all just takes on new meaning

I would also get a southern cross but yeah I dont want to be tared with the same brush that all the racist idiots are

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I agree re the "tatts for the sake of getting them" that are just a picture on your skin.

Although I should qualify that by saying sometimes it is not necessarily the picture/image itself, but the fact that it is a reminder of the time in your life when you got it done.

I have two tigers - why? Because I really just love tigers. You know, like how little girls like horses?! A bit like that, only not as ghey.

Anyway the first one was when I was 18 and was hanging out to get my first tatt of course. It's on my left bicep (or at least, where my bicep WOULD be if I wasn't Mr Puny-verse!). Runs basically from the elbow to the shoulder.

Second one is on my back, across my shoulder blades basically running the width of my back. Why a tiger? Because I love them.

BUT the kicker is I got it done on my honeymoon, so it isn't the image itself but the fact that it is a permanent reminder of my honeymoon.

Although if you want to draw a long bow, we did go to Dreamworld and spent the $500 to spend 15 minutes in with a tiger!

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  • Tampon inserted, Auto Acquired, next purchase a new handbag
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I have my own take on a straight edge tatt. There a pretty rare thing, bit of a throwback to the old Xs on there hands.



The back


Still not really finished though.

My first tatt, which carries heaps of memories, has been destroyed by ben cousins.

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im all for tatts if they really mean something to the owner.

Im all for aussie pride and what not, I love this country but holy sh*t if I see another southern cross on a shoulder blade ... I'll go nuke.


The green 'made in Australia' triangle with the yellow kangaroo is another one I hate to see.

A friend of mine had a big set of wings done that spans the width of her shoulders. It was done to cover up a Panther which she had done when she was younger and now hates it.

The detail in the feathers of the wings is amazing! I'm not sure how long it took all up, but I know it was quite a few sessions.

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