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  • Member For: 15y 4m 27d

I want to know about this as well !!!!

Have been having my fair share of electrical issues - mainly the indicator stalk/combination switch issue (solved), but now I'm having the exact same problem WayneAdo. I know for a fact that my car is an ex-Telstra car (BF MKII XR6 N/A) but regardless of the setting, the low beams just seem to be staying on. At first I didn't mind it but for the past few days I've had to do a number of rolling starts in order to get the engine going because there isn't enough left in the battery.

I'll probably end up replacing the battery one way or another but is there a way to undo this option?

What can I do, any ideas???

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See if this helps, just stumbled across it...

This is for a BA but would expect it to be the same on BF too


For all of you who want to deactivate the Headlights On feature:

Remove the fusebox cover (the one inside the cabin, not in the engine bay), you'll notice a Brown wiring loom connector that goes into the fusebox on the front right lower corner (the insulation on this loom is yellow), you'll see a couple of wires on this loom that are going to be piggybacked, it'll be obvious because it's not part of the factory wiring and they normally use those Scoth Lock clips or something similar. These wires power up the headlights on module, just disconnect them and your headlights operation will be back to normal.


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  • Member For: 15y 4m 27d

Took a look and can see the brown connector with plenty of wires is it a specific wire that has to be taken out or the entire brown connector

Taking it to ford will be a last resort as I have had some bad experiences with them

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There should be an additional module taped or velcroed up behind the fuse panel, just unplug whatever is plugged in to that and you should be right...assuming that it's the same setup as BA/BF

If it all goes :nyyaah: ...then you've unplugged the wrong thing.

If in doubt and you want to keep away from Ford just find an auto electrician and they should have it sorted within about two minutes.

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