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Alarm Randomly Going Off?


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hey guys

there are similar topics to this previously posted but none have specific answers.

a little while ago my car alarm would randomly start going off at any time during the day. sometimes 1 minute after I locked it, sometimes hours later etc etc.

even when left unlocked it would start going off. so I replaced the batteries in both my controls and it seemed to fix the problem. that was about 1 year ago.

the same problem has started again where it goes off randomly, often in the middle of the night. I replaced both remote control batteries again and its done it once since they have had new batteries.

should I buy 2 brand new sets of remotes for my car?

(BA 04)

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I had a similar issue and thought remotes. But mine was a bit more specific. The alarm would go off exactly 6.5 minutes after I locked it. It would also just go off during the night AND during the day.

I traced it to the neg battery terminal. I have a battery relocation so the terminals are not easy to get too, but once I did the neg terminal was as very lose.

I do agree with ebxmple though. The remotes get put in your pocket and get wet if you are in the rain etc etc and you do get corrosion in them. Maybe take them apart and give them a bit of a clean while you have the batteries out.

Let us know how you go.

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I had this exact same problem last month, turned out that it was my remote, I took the battery out and it did not happen and I changed the battery and it still happened!! I had to get a new remote.

But yeah change your remote battery see how that goes, you may have to replace the remote.

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