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Zf Auto Oil Flush/change


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Ok guys I'm sure there's a 100 threads about the zf 6 speed auto and I have read over quite a few with varying levels of confusion to a simple answer.

Now I've purchased the metal pan with the seperate filter kit and understand that I need to flush the old oil out of the concertos by flushing it a couple of time, etc.

What I want to know is that is this oil change job something we can do at home without having the diagnostic tools to check the temp of the transmission.

Is there a step by step tutorial somewhere that we can use to guide us in doing the flush?


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I changed filter and oil left oil in for about 1000km then changed oil again, just to get majority of the old stuff out. You will need a hoist and some kind of pump to get the oil in, its a 2 man job, I just followed the instructions in the falcon workshop manuel good luck :spoton:

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  • ʎǝʞuoɯ ɹoıuǝs
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I tried to do mine with a mate last week, but somehow managed to underfill. looking back, I think we didn't do the second run through of the gears to allow the fluid level to disperse enough to allow us to put more oil in. we had a few drinks which probably f*cked us up.

I thought it was fine on the initial drive, but once I did a cold start test I could tell something wasn't right - I took it to S&H automototive (Botany) which Vevapower had recommended in the other thread. They diagnosed it as a low oil fill, and also said it was weeping at the drain plug (I had a BMW plastic pan) because apparently the drain plug isn't meant to be re-used (wtf??). so anyway, I got them to put on a steel pan with new oil.

Edited by JC807
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Unless you have a machine which flushes the sytem you are only changing the oil in the pan. A lot of the oil also sits in the converter. With regular flushes you will eventually freshen the whole lot up. If you are only dropping the pan an replacing the filter more regular servicing is required to ensure that you are cycling the old oil with new.

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I tried to do mine with a mate last week, but somehow managed to underfill. looking back, I think we didn't do the second run through of the gears to allow the fluid level to disperse enough to allow us to put more oil in. we had a few drinks which probably f*cked us up.

I thought it was fine on the initial drive, but once I did a cold start test I could tell something wasn't right - I took it to S&H automototive (Botany) which Vevapower had recommended in the other thread. They diagnosed it as a low oil fill, and also said it was weeping at the drain plug (I had a BMW plastic pan) because apparently the drain plug isn't meant to be re-used (wtf??). so anyway, I got them to put on a steel pan with new oil.

They do know their Zf boxes there at S & H hope they only charged you $440 or less!

I reckon they do at least 10 ZF services their a week and and it also a positive to see at any time 3 - 4 brand new ZF's just sitting in the racks just ready to be slotted into any LTD/Fairlane HC and silver service cars!

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  • ʎǝʞuoɯ ɹoıuǝs
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Steve looked after me, but said any future services will be $550 for anyone.

not sure how much he would charge if you already have the steel pan, and just want the oil service.

Edited by JC807
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