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Guest Zak
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I was told today by someone who reckon he knows about Radar detectors that they dont work on the laser speed dectors?

Does anyone know or can anyone tell me wether they are any good and what the best one on the market is?

Is there anything I should know. Eg: What happens if you get caught with one?

Zak :thumbsup:

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  • The Bionic Man - half man-half titanium
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A U turn is NOT permitted at traffic lights UNLESS there is a sign indicating U Turns permitted

I remember reading RACV magazine that this was opposite in Victoria.

You can make a U-turn anywhere except where it says "No U-turn Permitted" or has that symbol.

Victoria used to have people making U turns at traffic lights when they had their own State Road Rules.

When all the States adopted the Australian Road Rules, it was suppose to make it uniform.

However, States being States that is not the case and a State Act overrides the ARR.

What you are referring to is still legal as per description in Victoria, so you can may a U turn at lights in Vic unless a sign prevents this.

Pretty dumb isn;t it!

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  • The Bionic Man - half man-half titanium
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I was told today by someone who reckon he knows about Radar detectors that they dont work on the laser speed dectors?

Does anyone know or can anyone tell me wether they are any good and what the best one on the market is?

Is there anything I should know. Eg: What happens if you get caught with one?

Zak :thumbsup:

Zak, this question should be dircted to Ponch.

Radar detectors are not worth the money you pay for them because if you rely purely on the detector you will get caught.

There are better ways not to be detected speeding.

A radar detector will not pick up a LIDAR as the LIDAR uses light not sound as per a Silver Eagle Microwawe speed detecton device. LIDAR use is not restricted purely to town areas. I use it a lot in the country on the highway by parking the car up the road, standing out and detecting speeding cars then chasing them down to stop them.

Both instruments send a beam that travels at the speed of light so we have got you before you see us.

The fines are huge and it looks crap on your traffic record.

The best way is to invest in a CB radio, Truck drivers are the BEST at letting each other know where the HWP are.

You also need to read the traffic. If you don't have a CB and you see the trucks all travelling at the speed limit and keeping their minimum distance you know there is a HWP car around.

ALWAYS obey the 50kmh town limits as well as the 80KMH limits on the approach and recession of a town.

Too easy!!

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Guest Zak
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Thanks Plonky, it is not my intention to go speeding around side streets etc but I have this problem with being fine on an open road with no other cars around.... I mean the laws in this country are out of control You must wear a safety belt yet you can hop on a bus or a bike with no belts anyway this argument is old and tired,

Just really curious as to wether they are worth it..

Also how long does your record stand for, I mean I had a sh*t one up until 10 years ago.



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  • The Bionic Man - half man-half titanium
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You're traffic record always stays with you.

The point I was making that if you do go a bit over the limit, just make sure it's in a 100 or 110 zone.

At least if you are caught for 115 it's the same as getting caught doing 65 in a 50.

This is why you always take care and slow down in residential/CBD areas because this is where you will get caught. The same goes for approaching and leaving towns in the 70/80 limits.

Is it possible for this question to be moved to the Ask Ponch thread?

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Radar detector is fairly useless in the city since you get a lot of interference, it is always going off. It really is only good for the open road.

I have a BEL radar detector with me here by my study desk. I have had it for 5 or 6 years now. It detects radar and laser. It has saved me many times over when they were upgrading the pacific highway with 80km a few years ago. It works great but at a price tag of around 600. I don't use it anymore because no more road works and with the speed limit at 110. I don't feel the need to go any faster. Hence the detector is sitting here instead of in the car.

It a big fine if you get caught with it around $1000-2000, unless you are in WA which is legal to have one.

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  • The Bionic Man - half man-half titanium
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Plonky, youre a legend! Thank you for answering all these questions. I hope to see you at Kamberra Winery tomorrow, and ill shout you a beer!

It's a big risk.

Putting my head up to try and answer the questions the best possible way relying upon my knowedge, experience and access to legislation, is probably the easiest way to lose credibility if I'm wrong so therefore I try to reply with the most informed answers possible.

Getting back to a question that Turbo6man asked, I can see where the anomoly lies and where people may misunderstand the legislation.

If Rule 74 (I think it is) says something, then once that Rule is Complied with, or is no longer relevant, then another Rule takes over. In that instance it was Rule 148 (I think).

I'm not trying to show anyone up or humiliate them if I can reply with the most informed answer possible.

This is a genuine service so we can ALL know exactly where we stand as far as the (ever) changing legislation.

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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Thanks for that one before...The red green blue black pink purple one... I have a couple more too if possible.

A/ Is it illeagal to "Share the love" in the backseat.....when parked of course!Would it be indecent exposure or what? <_<

B/ How about whilst driving?Can some assistence ;) be given?I assume not but if your were so unlucky as to be caught what would happen? :wub:

Dammit I am 19..these things are pertinent B) :thumbsup:

These two are more subjective but what would you see as more of an infringement:

A Truckie with a fully laden Tripple Road Train doing 115 in a 100 zone or a BMW M3 CSL doing 69 in a 60 zone?

Also if there were two cars, both exactly the same, on the same piece of road doing the same speed (over the limit), but one was a gentlman of 40 years and the other was a green P Plater who would you book?or book first?

Would it be the older guy because he SHOULD know better or the young lad so that he WILL know better?

Thanks again.



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