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Bling It Up

Johnny G

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Not bad,

Bit too skinny for my liking, maybe cos of the size of the grill? and the PWR logo looks pretty avg

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Oh Johnny what have you done :shocked: Make sure you park it out on the street next time you're at bowls or the old boys will not be impressed.

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LOL - Mmmmmm - new rear window sticker; "Boosted Bowlers", and maybe a little Super Roo carrying a turbo and a Bowls Bag.... :bigeyes: there's a thought!

I knew leaving the spray on advertising was a gamble and would draw a little flack :ARFiring: . I sat there looking at it, then covered it up, then said "stuff it".... and it sure draws the head turns, no doubt. Actually, I'm really happy with the front on look -understated with bit of hey wait a minute - same reason the 3.5"tail pipe is just an angle cut off with no chrome tip, painted black.

AndrewD = Plazmaman pipe set via Karl at Hiroperformance. And yeah - clamps.... any suggestions anyone? I think these will go once the front comes off again... not overly fussed with three spot welds on the clamp anchor....

Anyone who wants the data sets on this cooler PM me and I'll email them to you (Tuono) - I'm stuffed if I can remember where I found them... might even be on here somewhere. Includes graphs - but is a pretty big file (2.3mb). Excerpt from that file summary (note - standard car):

Top of second gear the Stock intercooler outlet temp was 24 degrees above ambient compared to PWR intercooler

at 8Deg.

• Stock intercooler peak pressure drop in first gear of 1.03 psi. The PWR unit peaking

at 0.41psi.

• Stock intercooler Total temp drop at this stage was 55Deg . PWR unit at 73Deg.

• Engine water temp still constant at a slightly lower 206 Deg.

3rd gear: Top of third gear the Stock intercooler outlet temp was 31 degrees above the ambient compared to the PWR


• Stock intercooler peak pressure drop in third gear of over 0.61 psi compared to the

PWR of 0.02psi.

• Stock intercooler total temp drop at this stage was 66 Deg, compared to the PWR


No intercooler wars here guys - this one suited what I wanted (big as possible without an air saw to do a hackathon), looked the goods, used the standard mounts so I can swap it back easy if needs be to support the mortgage payments, and provided a little bit more than needed for the occassional squirt on a hot Brisbane day... and the psi this is running it needs a breath of fresh air.

Happy as Larry with the result at 30 deg yesterday - fantastic... and now as I can get more than one run out of the dam thing :laughrolling: !

PS Tab - I'm finished now. I think.

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That original data may not be accurate anymore as PWR made changes to improve their cooler in december

Yes I see that the end tank design has now changed...for what appears to be much better. Perhaps other changes made too that are not so obvious. Results could only be better then?

What sort of max (safe) power could someone expect from one of these new coolers.

Edited by juggernaut
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