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Looking To Dump My Fg


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Guest XR09
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The Peddars run a lower spring rate. Not such a bad thing for the road. I find them a lot comfier to ride in than the Teins.

They were on a Commpoo and it has a much stiffer body. But they did feel more compliant.

The peddars @100k's felt like the Teins doing a buck sixty

They might not shake the crap out of your car as quick. Longevity would be my worry. Specially if they are working hard and getting fairly hot.

And your just paying double labour if you don't at least do the front upper and lower bushes while you in there. The rear lower is a must as well and then you start thinking about the diff bush.

It all has to work together or the coil overs will beat the crap out of the OEM shoite they put in.

If you don't do track work your throwing a lot of bucks away.

A decent damper and a set of kings and the transformation will be amazing. Add the bushes and it will feel like a go cart compared to what you were driving. It will behave so much better for a lot less than you guys are talking about.

Maybe it's my stuffed back talking. I have had coilovers on my Rex and this. My Senator had kings and Koni's.

Seriously missing my kings and koni's now that I am not doing any track work

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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Thanks for that. I'm still leaning towards the bilsteins and maybe some kings. I only really want to drop the car about 20mm. It's not about the look for me. Just trying to get rid of the tramp and make the car feel a bit more compliant.

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Guest XR09
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Just remember that is only my arsehole...... um opinion.

I doubt you would get many shops agreeing with me as going the K&K way would cut your bill by a third.

And I do have three bulging discs and can hardly ride let alone walk.

I have the Teins and they are great. Fantastic on the track. You can use the ride height adjustment for what it was initially designed for. The roll center. Not to makes the car look foooly sic! lol

And if you are going beyond the Koni's or Billies capabilities on the road your going way over a buck sixy and bad luck you deserve it.

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heres a pic of my xr6 turbo ive got xyz coilovers up front and viair airbags in the rear

Ive heard peddars coil overs are chinese made and just resprayed and repackaged by peddars here in australia....ill try find the site I read it on

Id recommend XYZ coilovers all day the ride is immaculate even with bags in the rear at a decent height the ride is perfect.....slammed on the grund is a different story hahaha

Edited by chenksy
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I messaged these guys the other day reguarding coilovers..

From the reports of ppl using their product, they make really good shocks and coilovers..

They're properly valved and shock dyno tested, as well as road tested to get the best results too.. as opposed to 99% of the china taiwanse coilovers.

They quoted me $1800 supply only for a set to fit a BF ute.. That price did not include rear springs though..

From personal experiance I HATE pedders with a passion.. And no way in the world I would pay the extra money for Teins..they are WAY overpriced..


Edited by --Jase--
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$1800s for fronts only is a joke.

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Maybe you din't understand.??

$1800 is for front coilover and rear shocks for a ute... But does not come with Rear leaves, as you can't make adjustable height leaves, so they leave that up to the customer..

An I dare say the price would be the same for coil overs front and rear for a sedan.

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XYZ fronts only are $800, rear shocks are $220~

You call teins overpriced, them and pedders are around $1800 for the lot.

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So for the same money you have Shockworks/Pedders/Tein.. Yes..??

Pedders are pole smokers and I will never deal with them..

Tein arnt even an Australian company, so how would they make and acuratly test coilovers for an australian vehicle..?? Plus I've never had any possative experiances in a tein equipped vehicle..

Shockworks.. Australian company, properly tested and designed in Australia..

Each to there own. but of those 3, I would be buying the shockworks stuff..

Never used XYZ stuff.. or know any one who has.. Myself and many friends have used BC coilovers to much success.

And they use a fairly generic valving. Put a bunch of BC shocks designed for different cars on a shock dyno and 90% of them are exactly the same. But they work good, and very few would know any different.. I'd imagine the XYZ would be the same..

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