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The Floods , The Floods


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The NBN is a great thing for Oz, however the execution is pathetic. As mentioned if it was done right, it would be Fibre to the Node, not House. This would provide more than enough bandwidth for households for the forseeable future and cost 1/6th the amount.

Also which retard decided to give all the country hicks NBN first ? The capitals should have it first as we need it. In Sydney we will not see NBN for another 5 years in major business centers. This is just vote grabbing on a massive scale and partly driven by the 3 independants who blackmailed the Ranga to give her power.

As for the floods, they have made it seem worse on the TV that what actually happened. Just open up nearmap.com and see how many houses were flooded. While it is a disaster on a massive scale, the media made it out that most of Brissy was underwater.

As for paying another tax for this disaster, they can GAGF, as if you did not have insurance, the tough titties. why should we all pay for this disaster ? What will they do in future disasters ?

This appears to be just another reason for the incompetent government to get more money out of us and using this disaster as an excuse for another tax.


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Below is todays take on the cloud seeding from the same site. It may clarify their opinion and intentions.

This site cops some flack, but they suggested buying Silver two and a half years ago agter the GFC wiped the price. All the other so called expert financial boffins said it was madness to do that. I went to the Perth mint, bought many many many many kilos of real stuff I could walk away with for $5.70 an oz and was laughed at, now it's floating between $27 and $30 and Oz.

It’s no surprise your editor copped some flak for yesterday’s Money Morning – The Cost of Meddling.

But that’s OK. We’re a big lad. We can take it [sniffle].

The gist of the comments was that we don’t know what we’re talking about. And, besides, cloud seeding doesn’t work anyway. So it couldn’t have made the floods worse, right?

What’s that? Scientists get something wrong… surely not.

So, let’s see if we’ve got this right. Scientists are 100% right when they warn you about climate change. But they’re 100% wrong when they spruik the benefits of cloud seeding. OK. Got it.

But where does that leave the scientists who believe in climate change and cloud seeding? Such as the one mentioned in this article from Physicsworld.com:

“It should be possible to counteract the global warming associated with a doubling of carbon dioxide levels by enhancing the reflectivity of low-lying clouds above the oceans, according to researchers in the US and UK. John Latham of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, US, and colleagues say that this can be done using a worldwide fleet of autonomous ships spraying salt water into the air.”

As we’ve said many times, we’ve no idea whether climate change is real or not. By the way, we usually cop it from the anti-climate changers too whenever we write that. But we do know not to take every statement from a supposed climate change expert at face value.

Just like any other scientist, they’ve got vested interests. A scientist working for tobacco companies will play down the risks of smoking. Just as a scientist who works for a government agency will play up the risks of climate change.

And a scientist who works for a food company will claim their foods are safe. And a scientist who works for a beverage company will say their drinks aren’t unhealthy.

You shouldn’t think that just because someone has a Dr. or Prof. in front of their name that they can’t be influenced. So to think that climate change scientists are unique individuals, somehow immune to the kind of influence experienced by other scientists is very, very naïve.

Make no mistake. There’s a lot of money to be made from the climate change industry. And if you can make money from it you’d be mad not to.

Those are the facts, like it or not.

And as for the Queensland government’s $7.6 million punt on cloud seeding technology…

What we should have shown you yesterday is proof of the inefficient government. Even before it finished a four-year and $7.6 million study of cloud seeding, the rains arrive and the technology – even if it works, which we’re told it doesn’t – isn’t needed.

Anyway, we could go on. But we won’t. Because it’s too boring. We’ve more important things to write about today…

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u know what ill get flamed for this but iam seriously over this flood sh*t now theres talk of a 1 off tax for everyone? get farked u want to live on a volcano your choice u want to live in cyclone alley your choice u want to live on a major fault line your choice u get a bit of water when u didn t want to share suck my arse your gready bastards and have ya freaking water.

now iam a *beep* and dont ever see anything like anyone else

I do feel for lost lives yes

but sh*t happens no one could of predicted it and its not like it hasnt happened b4 oh yes it has that's right.

everyone shouldnt have to pay for the damage mother nature has cast on one part of the country.

and in closing just like the vic fires ive donated prolly more than the 1 off tax is gunna be anywhoo.

floods over it big time get a tinny and tweak the outboard :buttrock:

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Well in Vic it is in the sticks and not a major city. I think under 100 houses have had flooding in VIC.

What is amazing is the Qld water is going south and the VIC water is going North....All I can say is keep your F...ing water, we have enough.:bangcomputer:

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Well in Vic it is in the sticks and not a major city.

So Dag's is in danger ? What floating device would you prefer :omg:

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Overall the Qld floods supposedly covered an area the size of NSW & VIC together, so that' probably why it's skewed.

But yeah I agree with Zap and Jet, enough of the farken hysteria and just get on with it. If you don't have insurance because you were either too ignorant to take it out, or you couldn't get it because you live on a flood plain, then what do you really expect?

Yes I know many people whose houses went under, and am significantly affected by it dealing with our building in the CBD that's still without power and utilites, but seriously sh*t happens. Yes it's traumatic and sad for all the poor bastards that lost their lives in Toowoomba and the Lockyer Valley, they had no warning and it was very tragic. Brisbane had a few days notice with the flood peak being more than a meter under the forecasted level.

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The NBN is a great thing for Oz, however the execution is pathetic. As mentioned if it was done right, it would be Fibre to the Node, not House. This would provide more than enough bandwidth for households for the forseeable future and cost 1/6th the amount.

Also which retard decided to give all the country hicks NBN first ? The capitals should have it first as we need it. In Sydney we will not see NBN for another 5 years in major business centers.

Well we should get something first cause we get bugger all else. Dont know what it is like in other states but unless you are from the "great south east" we get shafted. Roads are a disgrace and hospital is sh*t bout time we got something good first.

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turbo ute I agree although the nbn as it is is a waste of money the country areas should get some sort of decent services as we get left out.

Mobile phone service that are veryy hit and miss,home phones that are veryy noisy sh*t tv service even worse with digital.roads left with pot holes and old bridges for years.

As for the levy what a load of crap trim the budget by 2 percent and they would have more than enough.

My town got flooded aswell but there has not been one senior mp visit it and see how the people are going funny that.

Zap as for internet at least you guys in the city can get fast broad band we are lucky to get adsl here cant get adsl2 some areas get 3g mobile internet but that is even more it and miss the mobile phones.


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