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The Floods , The Floods


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No business plan or costings? fair dinkum you cant have looked hard, http://www.nbnco.com.au/wps/wcm/connect/eea11780451bd3618ebfef15331e6bbb/101215+NBN+Co+3+Year+GBE+Corporate+Plan+Final.pdf?MOD=AJPERES there ya go the whole corporate business plan happy reading :spoton: The CEO is Michael Quigley former president and cheif operating officer of Alcatel Lucent. Have a look at NBN cos website theres a lot of info on pricing, and the roll out plan, the corporate plan I linked there has many tables with timeframes that should satisfy your thirst for info.

Labor and Bobby Top Brown have lost my vote
I really doubt they ever had it :roflmbo:
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NBN doesn't get my vote. This latest revelation that it will be exempt from freedom of information laws stinks. Basically any screw ups made can be quietly swept under the carpet.

Regarding economic credibility, the worlds richest man (also knows his stuff about communications) says it's too expensive. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/09/29/3025352.htm

His point about having a bit of everything (wireless. wifi etc) makes good sense. Look at the amount of business people who use smartphones, tablet pc - WTF is the good of fibre to them? Coupled with the fact it's been dreamt up by the sexy fingered bunch of organisers in the Labor govt (they f*ck everything they touch), then it's no wonder so many people are worried about it.

If the project wasn't being managed by idiots, our economy was booming & we had a massive budget surplus the go for it I say but not now.

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  • It's All In Your Mind
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The NBN will prove to be just another multi billion dollar cluster f@%k that will line the pockets of all the leaches involved in whole debacle. 43 Billion dollars that will be closer to 60 and all immune from any public scrutiny, anyone preprared to accept just on the secrecy facts alone is obviously not very clever or not very observant.

As far as the Qld floods are concerned. This below is very interesting.

Well, here’s an experiment on paranoia, delusion and conspiracy theories. What would you say if I wrote this: The Queensland government and Bureau of Meteorology may have caused the Queensland floods.

Stick with me here… don’t hang up on this email yet…

I know what you’d say. You’d probably say I’m a disgrace. That I’m a lowdown scumbag for trying to pin the floods on government… that I’ve reached an all-time low.

Well, before you think too badly of me, read the article below. It was kindly sent to us by Money Morning reader Christine. It’s from the Sydney Morning Herald, dated 8th August 2010:

“A rain-making method developed by Thai kind Bhumipol Adulyadej is set to aid Queensland in battles with drought after an agreement between the state government and the Thai royal household.

“The Queensland government’s access to the rain-making technology, developed by King Bhumipol over the past 30 years, came a year after the state approached the royal household last year.

“As a result, Queensland is set to be the first major region outside Thailand where the rain-making technology will be put into full effect.”

After reading these quotes from the Sydney Morning Herald, our claim about the Queensland government’s involvement in the floods may not seem, well, so outlandish at all.

Look, I’m not saying the state government has been fiddling about with nature. I am saying that forty seconds ago you may have called me a scumbag, but now, after reading the Sydney Morning Herald article, perhaps you don’t think I’m a scumbag.

In other words you shouldn’t assume every whacky-sounding theory is the result of a “paranoid and deluded” mind.

And a quick search of the Interweb uncovers more details of Queensland’s rain-making mania…

It turns out the Queenslanders had already been cloud-seeding to try and create rain. A January 2008 Courier Mail article reports:

“Showers have fallen after the first two flights of Queensland’s cloud seeding trial.

“Paul Brady, managing director of MIPD, the company doing the seeding, said yesterday that the project would be a success.

“’We believe it works but the scientific level of proof is different to ours,’ Mr Brady said.”

According to our pals at Wikipedia (we still haven’t donated!):

“Cloud seeding, a form of weather modification, is the attempt to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds, by dispersing substances into the air that serve as cloud condensation or ice nuclei, which alter the microphysical processes within the cloud. The usual intent is to increase precipitation (rain or snow), but hail and fog suppression are also widely practiced in airports.”

Back to the Courier Mail…

The article quotes Queensland Sustainability Minister Andrew McNamara who was planning to spend $7.6 million over four years to test cloud-seeding:

“Successful cloud seeding won’t solve southeast Queensland’s water crisis on its own but would be part of an overall package, including recycling, more efficient water use, desalination and new storage facilities…”

Then he said – in a pre-emptive kick in the teeth to the Queenslanders now suffering from the floods:

“This project will focus on the Wivenhoe and Somerset dam catchments.”

The article states, “Seeding would not end droughts but could boost inflows to dams.”

We underlined that last bit.

That would be the same Wivenhoe dam, that thanks to the inflow of rain reached nearly 200% of capacity. It required emergency measures to drain off the massive amounts of water. Drainage that may have increased the flood damage.

Based on these reports and a document from the Victorian Government it seems cloud seeding has been taking place in Queensland since 2007. The four-year trial isn’t due to end until this year.

The report states:

“The Queensland Government is undertaking a four-year cloud-seeding project in South East Queensland which commenced in November 2007.

“The aim of the project is to find out if cloud seeding is a viable way of enhancing the rainfall over South East Queensland’s dam catchments. The intention is to determine whether it is worthwhile investing in cloud seeding in the long term to increase water storage. It is recognised that cloud seeding is not a means for breaking the drought.”

Strangely enough we haven’t heard much from the Queensland Government in recent days about how the cloud-seeding project is going.

But what it comes down to is this. Wouldn’t it be a terrible irony if the science experts who have warned about the terrible impact of manmade global warming in a hundred years, were part responsible for helping nature make a bad flood even worse today?

This is just more proof of what we’ve said all along. Even if – and we’re not convinced – global warming is real, who’s to say the pointy-headed science boffins can do anything about it?

I mean, if their efforts involve trying to manipulate the climate in the opposite direction, who’s to say the results won’t be even worse? That they’ll end up creating more rain and lower temperatures just when nature was moving that way anyway.

The fact is, humankind individually and collectively isn’t smart enough to figure everything out. That’s what markets are for. Individuals interacting, each in their own selfish interest will always create a better result than a committee of individuals deciding on a course of action.

That’s the difference between freedom and central planning. One works, the other doesn’t.

Attempts to manipulate markets, whether it’s financial markets, flea, fruit and veg, or climate markets will always yield the same outcome – unintended and usually bad consequences.

Remember: the science and maths boffins who think they know everything about climate change are the cousins of the science and maths boffins who thought they knew it all about finance.

The market proved that false in 2008 when the global economy crashed… because their failsafe computer models turned out to be as useful as a chocolate teapot. And soon enough the climate scientists who think they can manipulate the climate could get a taste of their own medicine too. And they ain’t gonna like it.

As ‘andrew of qld’ wrote on the Courier Mail comments page almost a year ago, “stop trying to play god with the skys you clowns”.

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  • Sucker
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Sorry but that's a complete load of crap, they were looking at cloud seeding during the drought as the dam levels were getting closer and closer to nil. They fail to mention that Tasmania successfully uses cloud seeding to boost their hydro power potential and NSW is/was looking at doing the same. So it does work, it's not some hair-brain idea with unknown consequences.

Googling the first paragraph of that to show some of the sites that are posting the article really sums up its credibility. :spit:

If you need proof that this all started with a natural phenomena go and have a look at the weatherzone forums, the nerds on there were watching all the data as the storm cell moved in off the sea and predicted that within a few hours there would be a massive downpour and flash flooding on the Toowoomba range.

As for the NBN yes there couldn't be a bigger farce. It really fits a politicians mindset, convince the stupid electorate that there is a problem then come up with a grand solution to fix the perceived problem. And the beauty of setting it up under NBN Co. is that when it does all go bad the govt can wipe their hands of it so the stupid electorate can then forgive and forget..

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  • Sucker
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Here's another beauty:


Written by Editor

For some 5 years now, we have been putting out warnings about the dangerous and potentially destructive project originally initiated in Gakona Alaska, known as HAARP - HIGH FREQUENCY ACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH PROGRAMME, under the auspices of the US Military - the Army, Navy, and Air Force. No-one had heard of it, and very few people were interested then, as the Broncos were about to kick off, there was a six-pack in the fridge, and who cares? She'll be right mate! Now however, it's a different story.

This large radio transmitter - HAARP - has over the years now been replicated numerous times in many countries, as you will see in the video below. Those in charge of the programme/s, (guess who) have absolute control over exactly what they will do, and to whom, with the various HAARP transmitters all over the globe, including, and expecially, massive flooding, and not excluding earthquakes. As far back as circa 1977, even the United Nations acknowledged that such destructive technology was possible, and moved a resolution that it could not be used as a weapon of war. (Don't believe me? Do your own research.) However, nothing was said about economic war - such as flooding or earthquakes, for example. Hmmm! Funny that!

This evil programme is (as Professor John Kenneth Gailbraith said about the creation of credit (debt) out of nothing by the bankers) "so simple, that the mind is repelled." Here it is:

1. Bombard the atmosphere with HAARP, focussing at just the right point/s, (watch the video) thereby causing massive flooding in the large catchment areas of certain countries - in this case Queensland - and much of eastern Australia;

2. This massive, unexpected flooding will smash the rural sector - the farmers, graziers, rural towns, and even the coal mines;

3. The banksters - both local and global - then move in, bankrupt and re-possess the rural properties, and the coal mines, as well as the governments, and they will then have the whole countryside for nothing, all with the flick of a few computer keys. The result will be totalitarian socialism - slavery for all of us - without a shot being fired. And all the "governments", both State and Federal, are going along with it! Exactly in line with the Fabian plan - "the abolition of private property." Note that this applies to houses in the metropolitan suburbs, as well as in the rural towns and cities.

Wake up Queenslanders, it's time to take a stand and fight! There is no room now for jelly-backs! The HAARP programme MUST be exposed to the fullest at Anna Bligh's so-called "Royal Commission" hearing into the flooding in Queensland. Without this exposure, the whole show will be just that - a facade.

Please watch the video below, and if you want further DVD video evidence on the subject of HAARP, and what it's consequences are and will continue to be, if we don't have it stopped, contact us.



You've stumbled across some very pertinent material there Doc :roflmbo:

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I know about HAARP but I dont think we have a facility locally, its a pretty cool thing but therell always be a few crackpots that come up with these ideas, hell HAARPs been linked to the best nutjob conspiracy ive ever seen "project bluebeam" look it up its lunacy at its best. As for the NBN being a farce and waste etc etc, the Tasmanian roll out was completed below budget and early so it seems having NBN co. manage the project has so far been a success, everyone in NBN co. has been in the industry most for many years. The misconception about the FOI is that somethings been done to make it exempt, this isnt the case, rather the FOI laws don't apply to incorporated entities. I wouldn't panic theres a bill being introduced by the greens member to change this but it wont include commercial dealings, id expect the coalition to vote with it so yeah.

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It's not so much the fact that NBN Co is legally exempt from FOI by default, it's more that Gillard was pushing to keep it that way. It's an incorporated that was set up solely to fullfil a Government policy (probably the most expensive ever), therefore should rightly be subject to scrutiny.

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  • It's All In Your Mind
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Sorry but that's a complete load of crap, they were looking at cloud seeding during the drought as the dam levels were getting closer and closer to nil. They fail to mention that Tasmania successfully uses cloud seeding to boost their hydro power potential and NSW is/was looking at doing the same. So it does work, it's not some hair-brain idea with unknown consequences.

Googling the first paragraph of that to show some of the sites that are posting the article really sums up its credibility. :spit:

If you need proof that this all started with a natural phenomena go and have a look at the weatherzone forums, the nerds on there were watching all the data as the storm cell moved in off the sea and predicted that within a few hours there would be a massive downpour and flash flooding on the Toowoomba range.

As for the NBN yes there couldn't be a bigger farce. It really fits a politicians mindset, convince the stupid electorate that there is a problem then come up with a grand solution to fix the perceived problem. And the beauty of setting it up under NBN Co. is that when it does all go bad the govt can wipe their hands of it so the stupid electorate can then forgive and forget..

I didn't say I beleived it tab, altough no doubt many people will. I just said "Heres something interesting". I actually agree with the load of crap on the weather thing. I just found it amusing. The HAARP and all the other stuff gets very conspiratal. Thing is though the idiots wasted 7.5 million and it rained anyway.

Edited by hypnodoc
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